The mayor of São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), determined on Tuesday night (5) the suspension of all road blocks in the city to try to increase the rate of social isolation in the capital of São Paulo. The determination begins to take effect this Wednesday (6), according to the council.
The suspension came after many complaints from health officials, who were blocked in these blocks created by the municipal administration. The episode led to the opening of a public civil investigation by the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo to investigate the measure added by the municipal administration.
In determining the suspension of the blockades, the mayor evaluated that they did not have the desired effect, which was to increase the adherence of São Paulo residents to social isolation in the city.
According to the São Paulo government, the social isolation index of the capital of São Paulo for the first day of blockades, on Monday (4), was 48% in the municipality. One percentage point above the state index, which was 47% statewide adherence.
At the moment, according to the city council, there are no other measures to compel or convince people to maintain social distance in São Paulo. The municipal administration says it will continue with educational campaigns in the media and at the intersections of the city, with the distribution of pamphlets in defense of social distance. However, these blocks will only be educational.
City inspection teams are also expected to increase fines for merchants who do not qualify for essential services and are entering city quarantine.
Mayor Bruno Covas was extremely uncomfortable with the blatant recording of TV Globo’s SP1, which on Tuesday (5) showed the entrance to the crowded Pagé gallery in the Rua 25 de Março region, a few kilometers from the town hall. , in the center of São Paulo.