Huawei to replace Windows 10 with HarmonyOS on its computers


Huawei will take an important step towards another bet that it hopes to win. The friction with the United States of America is still far from over, which is why the Chinese company plans to put its own HarmonyOS operating system on its computers, replacing Windows 10.

If this Huawei move materializes, possibly the next releases of the brand’s PCs already have a new look.

As we have spoken here several times, Huawei's relationship with the United States is not the best. Donald Trump's country has been tough and intransigent with the Chinese company, applying various sanctions.

Last year, Huawei was blacklisted by the US Department of Commerce. And now any American company that intends to do business with the technology must apply for a special license from the US government. USA

Due to these seemingly endless conflicts, Huawei decided to create and advertise its own operating system, called HarmonyOS.

Huawei will replace Windows 10 with HarmonyOS on their PCs

According to some inside information that was left on the Chinese social network Weibo, obtained from the Huawei Central website, Huawei intends to make changes to its computers. The company intends for the devices to bring their HarmonyOS 2.0 operating system, thus replacing Microsoft's Windows 10.

According to the same source, there are already several regions to collaborate with Huawei to establish a network of computer components to carry out this objective.

This change will now be aimed at home computers, which will also come equipped with the Kunpeng brand processor. In this way, everything leads to believe that the company only wants to depend on itself for the elaboration of its products.

This decision was probably due to the excessive delay felt by the Chinese company in the authorization of the respective licenses, by the US government. Without them, the brand cannot negotiate with other companies, so team development is pending. And obviously, a company cannot stop, much less a technology giant.

It was exactly in this sense that the former CEO of Huawei made the statements in the article that we left below.
