Bolsonaro supports the return of football and says that the possibility of death of the players is “infinitely small”


This Thursday, the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, was again in favor of the return of soccer activities in the country. He gave an interview to Rádio Guaíba, where he argued that the financial need of athletes speaks louder, since, according to him, the possibility that athletes die is “infinitely small.” At this time, there are already many people who understand, who are on the soccer field, that it is favorable to return because unemployment is also knocking on the doors of the clubs. At this young age, the player, hardly, if affected by the virus, the possibility of going to lethality is infinitely small. Even for the physical state, for the rigidity that this athlete has. Now they have to survive, he said.

Jair Bolsonaro is in favor of the return of soccer in Brazil (Replay / CNN)

Jair Bolsonaro is in favor of the return of soccer in Brazil (Replay / CNN)

Photo: Lance!

Bolsonaro also questioned the idea that all soccer players earn high wages, stating that most athletes do not earn well and are in need. According to Jair, he gave a positive opinion to the Minister of Health, Nelson Teich, about the return of soccer activities without the presence of fans.

– We often think that the player, that everyone wins horrors. No, most don’t win well and need soccer to support their family. They are in need. It is not me who will open football or not, but I have already spoken to the Minister of Health and gave him an opinion about it, so that football returns without fans. So, on our part, this opinion should be made, as agreed with the Minister Nelson Teich and as it seems that Anvisa will also give an opinion in this regard – he added.

The president also confirmed the information that he spoke with coach Renato Gaúcho, with whom he has a friendly relationship, to consult him on his opinion on the matter, in addition to conversations with Rogério Caboclo and Walter Feldman, of CBF. In addition, Bolsonaro also criticized an alleged “great campaign of terror among the population” by the Coronavirus.

– Yes, sometimes I called Renato Gaúcho to have exact information about what the athlete thinks about returning to soccer or not. As I have also spoken, I have already spoken a few times, with Mr. (Rogério) Caboclo and (Walter) Feldman, from CBF. The decision to return to soccer is not mine, it is not the President of the Republic. But we can collaborate. From there, when I spoke to Renato Gaúcho for the first time, I said to him: ‘Renato, come back for me’. He said, “But there is a feeling among the players that they cannot come back now,” because people were terrified. He is still terrified – said Bolsonaro, who added:

– They carried out a great campaign of terror with the population regarding the virus, as if we could get rid of the virus, as if the virus killed everyone. This virus is lethal for those who have comorbidity and for those who are old. It has to be very special. As for the players, I even told Renato at the time, and with the stadium closed, he said, “President, the question is about the players.” So we respect him, especially since I am not going to open football or not, he finished.

See also:

L! chooses the 15 best goalkeepers of Brazilian soccer in the 21st century


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