Após surplus no previous year, Vasco discloses 2019 balance with deficit of R $ 5 milhões | Basque


O Vasco disclosed no fim da noite desta quinta-feira o balanço patrimonial regarding o 2019 exercise. Differently from the previous one, when it showed a surplus of R $ 64.9 milhões, o result was a deficit in the order of R $ 5 milhões. Or document was sent first to club members.

+ With surplus and less expenses with salaries, Vasco reports balance of 2018

An attached letter that opens or an 80-page document, or clube treat or exercise of 2019 as “extremely challenging”. Segundo o Vasco, one of the difficulties that will contribute to a negative result if you are unable to sell assets. It is worth mentioning that Marrony and Talles Magno were two more highly valued athletes.

Vasco explains deficit of R $ 5 milhões em seu balanço patrimonial - Photo: ReproduçãoVasco explains deficit of R $ 5 milhões em seu balanço patrimonial - Photo: Reprodução

Vasco explains deficit of R $ 5 milhões em seu balanço patrimonial – Photo: Reprodução

In counterpart, or Vasco highlights or increases R $ 41 milhões em recipes recipes, something that Alexandre Campello had highlighted in a collective granted the day before:

– When we assumed in 2018, we conquered an increase in recurring recipes. A recurring recipe and a sponsor, with which you have signed a contract and will receive a permanent payment for some years. É o direito de transmissão … As or nome diz, são recorrentes. You are not exceptional. We trouxemos dinheiro novo já em 2018. In 2019, you will be able to observe that we managed to increase R $ 40 milhões essas recursores recrentes. Isso shows that this effort is working very hard for or that we are called dinheiro novo – affirmed Vasco TV.

Confirm part of the text presented on the first pages of financial statements disclosed by the club:

“As expected, or 2019 exercise was extremely challenging, once the part of the recipes had been anticipated. In addition, there was a delicate economic situation in the country, negatively impacting some recipes of Clube, especially There is an imperative to highlight another relevant factor that corroborated for the difficulties not flux de caixa: not concretization of the athletes’ bandage – problem, aliás, facing Brazilian football in general not last year.

In spite of the adverse circumstances, or past exercise, as will be seen below, that this management has been fulfilled by two of the most important pillars of its strategic planning: to increase the requirements and control the costs, as the purpose of creating a virtuous circle and perennial.

Compared to the previous year, or Vasco has shown an increase of R $ 41 milhões em su recipes recursas, ao passo em que diminuiu em R $ 18 milhões os custos e despesores recrentes – um consider a performance hook of R $ 59 milhões no que diz respeito to the resources that Clube can effectively control. And important: nenhum financial resource obtained foi used for outro fim se não or payment of operating expenses of dividas.

+ LEIA MAIS: Alexandre Campello highlights increase of R $ 40 milhões em recipes recipes

Associação em massa is outstanding

He highlighted the Basque hair in the letter of the conquered massa no fim do ano pasado – acrescimo of 150 thousand new partners. According to the document, to the recipe as a triple social foi, from R $ 12 milhões to R $ 36 milhões.

Or clube ainda exalts the following conquests:

  • Renovação do Ato Trabalhista
  • Or start of works in Nosso CT
  • To approve the project of modernization and expansion of São Januário
  • To the first phase of payment of dívidas anticipated and with discount, or agreement of dívidas fiscais com PGFN of R $ 61 milhões
  • At the end of the master com sponsorship contract or BMG Bank
  • A rediscussão de termos do contract de direitos de TV com a Rede Globo

Graphic shows relation “recipes recrentes x não recorrentes”

On page 7 of the demonstration, or Vasco stands out or that Campello emphasizes a collective granted via Vasco TV. Or acrescimo of R $ 41 milhões in recipes recurs, being for the most part (acrescimo of R $ 24 milhões) of this studded alavancado hairs new partners. On the other hand, it is possible to observe not the first graphic of the image or how much or what is lost. recipes are not recurring. As I said before, or such an associate document remains to be specified for the bandages of athletes that we hope to carry out.

Confira graphic that shows the relationship Confira graphic that shows the relationship

Confira graphic that shows the relationship “recipes recrentes x não recorrentes” not balanço do Vasco – Photo: Reprodução

3% increase in costs and expenses

On page 8 of the document, or Vasco disagrees with respect to the 3% increase in relation to costs and expenses, from R $ 169 milhões to R $ 173 milhões. Check out the explanation below:

“Among the 6 categories of costs and expenses, or Clube obtained a significant reduction in other benefits and expenses (see note 23). The two major categories (salary, orders and benefits) will show a nominal increase less than or collective dissatisfaction, or that shows or check weight with weight. A conta “Outras Receitas (despesas) Operacionais” It basically refers to the years / losses of the negotiations – in 2019 this value was lower due to a lower amount of life renegotiated. ”

On page 8, or Vasco lists what motivated or increased two expenses - Photo: ReproduçãoOn page 8, or Vasco lists what motivated or increased two expenses - Photo: Reprodução

On page 8, or Vasco lists what motivated or increased two expenses – Photo: Reprodução

On page 9, o Vasco lists fators that will contribute to or increase two expenses - Photo: ReproduçãoOn page 9, o Vasco lists fators that will contribute to or increase two expenses - Photo: Reprodução

On page 9, o Vasco lists fators that will contribute to or increase two expenses – Photo: Reprodução

Increased liquid endividamento in R $ 37 milhões

Most of the time, treating a bandage of assets (athletes) such as Achilles’ calcanhar and highlighting for marketing difficulties, or Vasco considered it a result referring to or endividamento, unless this had a nominal growth. from R $ 37 milhões (from R $ 640 milhões for R $ 676.8 milhões – to gross variou of R $ 642 milhões for R $ 709 milhões).

Or Basque, porém, ressalta or elongamento of dívidas, ou seja a renegociação das mesmas in the largest number of plots. Trust or that disse or clube:

“Assim, or Endividamento Líquido do Clube, which was R $ 640 milhões em 2018, subiu to R $ 676.8 milhões em 2019, a nominal increase of R $ 37 milhões, plus, ressalte-se, com dívida elongada .

In spite of the unfavorable market conditions, at the entrance of extraordinary resources with the sale of players and the commitment of the part that recipes that have never been used without passing, we certify that this is a result – showing or compromising this Gestão na austeridade e busca of reduction gives life “.

Trust or what Basque says about or nominal increase in liquid endowment in your balance - Photo: ReproductionTrust or what Basque says about or nominal increase in liquid endowment in your balance - Photo: Reproduction

Trust or what Basque says about or nominal increase in liquid endowment in your balance – Photo: Reproduction

Pandemic is cited non-demonstrative

With respect to the fact that it was not a financial statement regarding the previous exercise, it was not a financial stabilization between the years of 2018 and 2020, or Vasco gives the date of the most underlining topics not a document referring to 2018. Quote, therefore, that the Covid pandemic -19 turns or challenges even more complex. Leia:

“We highlight the very few points presented not last year, with their respective comments for the 2019 exercise. This period, or the highest objective, is the reversal of the financial fragmentation and administrative restructuring. We know that, with no sale of athletes of the year After the global economic cemetery that has just been established in 2020 (economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic), or the stabilization plan in the year 2020, should be extended. “

Projeto de ter a melhor performance esportiva até 2030 mantido

As an example from the previous non-demonstrative presentation, or a document confirming that the club’s management still understands that Basque will become two leaders in the economic and sporting spheres between 2025 and 2030.

“We remain with the same visão. Até 2030, or Vasco da Gama has to be able to do more than 3 (three) more solid economic-financial structures of the Brazilian soccer, to the best sporting performance in the full internationalization of the brand.”

Confirm in full the final message of the document, assassinated by Alexandre Campello:

“As soon as we date the results of the 2019 exercise, we are living in an extremely critical moment. The world, or Brazil and, more specifically, the sports and entertainment industry, have been seriously affected by the pandemic of the nov coronavirus. At now or at present, it is impossible. Measure or impact of this crisis, according to the public health point of view, other than the economic sphere.

The year 2020, therefore, will be harshly marked by financial difficulties, not for Vasco da Gama, but for two Brazilian clubs, and why not? – mundiais.

Gestão do Clube has tried in every way to preserve value and mitigate the effects of the crisis. No present moment of elaboration of this balance, it is possible to verify a reduction of the entries of the bank. The Administrative Directorate looked for alternatives to find saidas and diminish or cliff of penhoras.

Not unlike so many other historical moments, or sentiment of união e solidariedade dos vascaínos is present. We make available our dependencies to the health authorities and we initiate campaigns of reparation of food – já foram distributed at present or 1.8 thousand basic baskets (25 tons). O Basque and historically condemned by the intransigent defense of social causes, this spirit that guides us made no effort to help society in this difficult time. At the same time, we are determined to reduce to a maximum or impact of the pandemic and economic crisis on our team of collaborators.

On the other hand, we could not express a special mention and express here or thanks from the Administrative Director for the effort and dedication of all the officials, despite all the notorious adversities.

The administrative progress, structure and operations of Clube ao longo two last two years are notorious. This gesture, not yet, is not content in olhar just for or short and half arms. It is necessary to look not long, not Basque that we are building a page for the gerações do amanhã.

At this time, due to difficult difficulties, or Clube is still unable to commit itself to more expressive investments than professional football. But we have full conviction that we are not rumo certain, building the foundations for or prompting the Clube in a very distant future. Or work of restructuring for feito é condicção sine qua non for the economic and competitive recovery of the Basque Country.

A guard continues to be a guard. We have no other way than hard work, we are not promises of a populist character and we are not feeding false expectations for the short term. Or Basque torcedor, we are certain, is imbued with this thought, that the process of recovery of the Clube will not occur by another way that it does not o austeridade e com o compliance with obrigações financeiras pregressas. O Vasco needs to equate past trends for the future that we all hope for.

It is about a walk for those who do not exist.

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the creators who understand the situation of Clube and accredited us with the commitments signed by this Administrative Directorate. We reiterate here or commitment of this Management in search of tireless ways to guarantee or payment of all commitments.

We also thank all the commercial partners of Vasco da Gama, fundamental for the success of Clube.

Our special thanks are due to all of us, the twisting people that lottery São Januário, that alçaram or Vasco à mais alta prateleira two programs of partnership of Latin America, that têm collaborated for a construção do nosso CT.

We are also grateful to the Basque people for their dedication and dedication as members of two other Powers of the Clube. Lastly, we highlight that the values ​​reported are part of a report audited by one of the world’s largest auditing companies, with extensive experience in the industry of sports and entertainment, which is characterized by a degree of detail, diligence, rigorous criteria and transparency. among the melhores do mercado.

We invite everyone, especially the Powers of the Clube, to carefully study these demonstrations and their respective explanatory notes. We remain on the Internet available for clarifications and constructive debates to prepare for these demonstrations on the Management Plan.

We now present the Demonstrações Contábeis do Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama referring to the final exercise on 12/31/2019, accompanied by the demonstrations you have corresponding to the 2018 exercise, according to legal devices that govern the elaboration of Demonstrações Contábeis no Brasil “.

Alexandre Campello
President of the Vasco da Gama Regatta Club

Trust the demonstrations of the Basque result on the 31st of December 2019 and 2018 - Photo: ReproduçãoTrust the demonstrations of the Basque result on the 31st of December 2019 and 2018 - Photo: Reprodução

Trust the demonstrations of the Basque result on the 31st of December 2019 and 2018 – Photo: Reprodução
