El Salvador gathers prisoners of gangues rivais em meio a pandemia


We are sitting in El Salvador sitting there not too close to two othersDirecto de imagem
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The government of El Salvador published images of prisoners in fileiras, with just a few of them wearing masks.

“As jealousy for a mesma gangue we will finish, we are all terrorist groups in a mesma cela, in all the penitentiary centers of security. O State must be respected!”

With this tuíte, or vice-minister of the Justiça e Segurança Pública of El Salvador, Osiris Luna Meza, confirmed not on Sunday or at the beginning of any planned measures that no state of emergency was decreed nas prisões após or a recent increase in homicides not in the country, to prevent Partam delas orders of crimes not the outside world.

Together with the announcement, Luna Meza and other profiles of the government do not Twitter will post impressive impressions of detainees in super-charged prisões nas quais members of gangues rivais são seen together, to julgar pelas tatuagens who identified you.

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With photos, dozens of prisoners are seen gathered, sitting no chão em fileiras e algemados, quase castos aos outro e com just some of them wearing masks.

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Or govern I publish the photos to or announce that I will not separate more gang members from different countries.

The photos showed that the social regulation in force in the rest of the country is not being practiced in the penal units of El Salvador, where, since or end of March, there has been a requirement to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Human rights organizations and other specialists will warn of the consequences of other drastic measures, such as the authorization of the president, Nayib Bukele, that the police and the Army use “lethal force” not to combat the wave of violence not a country.

Or what does it mean or state of emergency nas prisões?

Bukele sent, on the 6th of February (4/24) à noite, that Luna Meza, who was director-general of the country’s prison units, established a state of “maximum emergency” in all the prisons that harbor members of gangues who have just received ” intelligence information on homicide orders issued from them. “

This is due to a sudden increase in non-country violence, which since the beginning of the pandemic, the second official year, has registered a significant number of days with violent death.

On the sixth of February, not yet, the local media reported about twenty murders only on that day, a trend that continues for the rest of the weekend.

“As gangues is taking advantage of the fact that all these public forces are not in control of the pandemic,” Bukele said.

El Salvador has been one of the two most violent countries in the world, largely due to gang activities such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18, with at least 70,000 members dedicated to crimes of extortion and drug trafficking, among outros.

Since he came to power, in June past, Bukele has reduced two murders to one of his principal bandeiras. A passou tax of 51 assassinations per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2018 for 35.8 no past year. Since or beginning of the quarentena, or number of homicides per day remained in a digit.

For that reason, or the president has not hesitated to announce drastic measures at the end of the week. Between outras ações, I ordered the suspension of all contacts between two inmates as the outside world, a “24-hour absolute confinement per day”, and the isolation of two gang leaders.

Luna Meza guaranteed that “a new order is made (dais prisões), not by phone, because there are no visits, no visits have been made to the communication of sinais that they have received cela em paslaram for people who have been freed. “

No Sunday, or the president announced that the use of lethal force by the police and the army “is authorized for self-defense or defense for the life of two Salvadorans.”

The president guaranteed that his own government will take charge of the legal defense “give them that they are unjustly accused of defending the lives of honest people.”

“Or a member of gangue that resisting will be dead with proportional force and possibly fatal for us public forces,” Bukele warned.

Além disso, or governo ordou or fim da separação em celas different from members of gangues rivais. “There will be no benefits and privileges for nenhum member of the criminal structure,” says Luna Meza.

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Nas images, members of gangues rivais like Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18 são seen together

“From now on, all gang gangs in our country will remain dated. It will not be more possible to see or what has happened for the night. Isso will prevent him from communicating with sinais in the corridor. Ficarão lá inside, I do not write, with his friends from outras gangues “, tweeted Bukele na second-feira.

More late, or the president also published a video in which alleged members of the neighborhood Barrio 18-Sureños pedem help to guarantee the addresses of your fellow prisoners, that they say they are being violated by the way they are being treated.

They affirm no video: “They want to end with a wave of violence, that is not the case (…). We reduce homicides to recover the direitos nas prisões. We do not know if there is an increase in the number of assassin groups. financed by political parties ou hair governo atual “.

‘Media strategy’

Organizations such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will express concern as a state of emergency nas prisões.

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Specialists stand out or cliff of confrontations between gangues rivais, intensified pela pandemic

Second to the NGO Comissão de Direitos Humans of El Salvador, to join members of different quadrilhas in the same month “carry a total cliff of revolt ou assassinato seletivo ou coletivo”.

É “uma bomba-relógio” that can “explode” at any moment, and he or she will be the governor, who cares for the two detents, disse or coordinator of the NGO, Miguel Montenegro, à agência AFP.

Jeannette Aguilar, security and violence researcher, emphasizes that total confinement can increase confrontations between gangues.

“In sub-human conditions, such as a level of superlotation and as a coronavirus, it is possible that it exploits conflicts with a level of stress that the carnage population is being submerged in,” disse ela.

A specialist warns that another cliff and covid-19 will turn back massively, one time that “we are falaring extremely small stocks, where they are 100 or 200 people.”

Aguilar certifies that the initiatives announced by Bukele are counterproductive and are part of a “media strategy”, as well as the publication of two prisoners.

“He wanted to send a message that he is not in control of the situation by means of measures that violated human rights and that he placed two people on the edge of the river and of the whole population,” she says.

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Human rights organizations will criticize the measures of the Salvadoran government

Specialists will also criticize the authorization of the use of lethal force to combat the current wave of violence, which, as foreseen in the Salvadoran legislation in specific circumstances, could be interpreted from Bukele’s announcement in a more comprehensive manner.

“Bukele intends to give a letter to the members of the security forces to kill. Their orders to the police and the armed forces contradict the international padrões”, alertou or director Human Rights Watch nas Américas, José Miguel Vivanco.

“Isso able to create a banho de sangue”, says Aguilar, referring to a history of extrajudicial executions, abuses and structures of extermination in the country’s police and in a “context of high impunity” for these years.

“An incentive to or disproportionate use of letça sem sem dúvida will lead to an increase in extrajudicial executions by any person who claims to claim that his life is outra pessoa foi ameaçada.”

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