The R $ 600 emergency aid and compensation for workers with suspended or reduced contracts paid through the digital accounts of Caixa Econômica Federal will return to the government if they are not withdrawn in 90 days. The automatic return to the National Treasury is part of the regulations for the two benefits published this month by the Ministry of Economy.
According to the Ministry of Economy, the beneficiary will be able to withdraw the money even after the funds return to the National Treasury. According to the folder, the laws that instituted the R $ 600 emergency aid and the emergency benefit (BEM) guarantee the right to receive those who had their registration approved, regardless of the need for new regulations.
Automatic return to government coffers applies only to profits deposited in Caixa’s digital savings accounts. This mode receives those who do not have a bank account or who have opted for this channel when requesting money.
According to the ministry, the procedure is similar to Social Security benefits, which return to the National Treasury if they are not withdrawn. The rule does not affect anyone who receives directly into the bank account of any financial institution. This is because the government understands that, in these cases, the money has already been withdrawn.
Created to serve people without a bank account, Caixa’s digital savings account allows up to three monthly transfers to other accounts at any bank. During the coronavirus pandemic, fees will not be charged for transfers to other financial institutions. For Caixa’s own accounts, the digital account allows unlimited transfers, even for accounts on behalf of third parties.
The day the emergency aid was launched, the bank itself recommended that the citizen who receives through the digital account transfer the money as soon as possible. The digital savings account also allows the payment of bank receipts and household bills (water, electricity, telephone and gas) through the Caixa Tem application.
Those who cannot make transfers can withdraw cash at Caixa branches or at lottery stores and bank correspondents, if they are open locally. The in-kind withdrawal of the first installment began on Monday (27) and runs until May 5, following a calendar based on the beneficiary’s month of birth.
Paid to people in vulnerable situations during the covid-19 pandemic, the emergency aid of R $ 600 (R $ 1,200 for single mothers) benefits informal workers, people enrolled in the Unified Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) and registered citizens in Bolsa Família. The benefit can be requested through the Caixa Auxílio Emergencial application or the website ayudaio.caixa.gov.br. The benefit will be paid until June.
In order to compensate part of the workers’ wages with reduced working hours or with a suspended contract, BEM is linked to the unemployment insurance to which the worker would be entitled if he had been fired. In the case of reduction of working hours, the benefit is equivalent to the percentage of the salary reduction. If the worker has his salary reduced by 70%, he will receive 70% of unemployment insurance.
In the case of the suspension of employment contracts, BEM is equivalent to 100% unemployment insurance, for micro and small business workers, and 70% insurance for medium and large business workers.