SpaceX can test the spacecraft without exploding the rocket


SpaceX conducted a new test with the Starship rocket, and this time, the result was promising. Unlike recent attempts, the spacecraft prototype did not explode and managed to pass the pressurization test stably.

Through his Twitter, Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, showed images of the test carried out by the company, which took place this Sunday (26) in Boca Chica, Texas. The videos show the inside and outside of the prototype after the cryogenic pressure test.

The test conducted by the company places nitrogen in the ship’s fuel tanks at high pressure to ensure that the components of the rocket are strong. The model that SpaceX tested is called SN4 (Serial Number 4) and has had considerable performance compared to its predecessors.

SpaceX has been conducting prototype type tests with Starship since November 2019, and the results obtained previously were not positive. The most recent cryogenic test was carried out in early April and ended with the explosion of the SN3 rocket.

Source: CNET

With the new stable prototype, the trend now is for SpaceX to begin moving on to the next stages of spacecraft development, which promises to be Elon Musk’s company primary bet on space exploration. According to the executive, the team will connect a Raptor engine to the rocket and carry out further tests later this week.

If SpaceX realizes its plans with the spacecraft, the final version of the spacecraft will be used for long-distance space travel. One of the missions of the rocket, even, will be to take humans to Mars.

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