Replica of ‘Porsche of Apple’ is on sale for more than R $ 2 million


The company sponsored the Dick Barbour Racing team car in 1980

A replica of a race car Porsche 935 K3 It is for sale in the United States in 1979 with the Apple theme, for the impressive value of U $ 499,999, around R $ 2,839 million.

Apple sponsored the Dick Barbour Racing team car during the 1980s. Along with the name “Apple Computer,” the car features a retro rainbow logo and a sticker that says “Don’t disappoint the Apple Car.” It is worth noting that the version listed in the DuPont Registry is not the original car, owned by Adam Corolla, which is worth almost R $ 60 million.

To play

According to a 2016 article on the portal Unit, Steve Jobs was interested in the company’s idea of ​​sponsoring a race car. Jobs realized the potential of putting his logo on a Porsche for an international motorsport tour and how it would make the company even more popular.

Currently, Apple’s plans for a self-driving car appear to have stalled: The company fired 200 people from Project Titan, its autonomous vehicle project, last year. The company was believed to be shifting its focus to autonomous vehicle technology instead of a real car, but it ended up giving up. However, there are many rumors that the Apple car project is still underway.

In the meantime, if you need an “Apple vehicle” and can afford the $ 4,415 (about R $ 25,000) fees, the replica of the Porsche 935 K3 may be a good option.

Via: The edge

Apple car Porsche autonomous car

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