Cruzeiro tries to demonstrate the reckless gesture of Wagner to receive insurance of R $ 20 million


(Photo: Vinnicius Silva / Cruzeiro)

The Cruise try to prove the ex-president’s bold gesture Wagner Pires of S to receive R $ 20 million insurance company what revealed Saul Fres, member of Ncleo Dirigente Transitrio, in an interview Rdio Itatiaia Saturday (25). To access the money, the club depends on the completion of the Kroll, a consulting firm specialized in corporate research.

“Is there insurance in the value of R $ 20 million that covers fearful gestures by directors. Based on this documentation, we will also try to receive, before the evidence, these R $ 20 million. If we can be very important to cash flow for this year given the situation we are facing ”.

Fres added that the Kroll survey would help to reimburse R $ 20 million and Civil Police and Public Ministry on possible irregularities in the administration of Wagner Pires. The work should be completed in late May.

“This survey that Kroll is doing, regarding the documentation in evidence, be of utmost importance not only to present in the process that goes to the Public Ministry, but also so that we can request a simple refund. Because it may not be considered a crime, but there is civil liability for reckless gestures

If you are entitled to R $ 20 million, Cruzeiro will invest in the cash flow to allow day wages. Recently, there was a delay in paying leaf maro, due to the fifth day of April. The board also announced the suspension of employment contracts. for 60 days due to the crisis of the new coronavirus.

Wagner Pires’ term at Cruzeiro was marked by the exponential increase in total debt, which jumped from R $ 383 to more than R $ 800 million In two years. As a way to make up for the political support he received in the 2017 elections, the former president hired allied advisers to his fine, called Unio Familyand inflated personnel expenses. Former CEO Srgio NonatoFor example, it came to billing R $ 125 thousand per month. Wagner even employed his son, Humberto Pires de S, in the base categories of the club.

In May 2019, the program Fantastic, from TV Globo, denounced alleged cases of money laundering, falsification of documents and ideological falsification in Cruzeiro. The institutional crisis was reflected in the field, and the team was demoted Srie B after finishing the Brazilian Championship in 17th place, with 36 points. With little accumulated income and expenses, the club predicts a deficit of R $ 143 million in 2020, the year in which to play the second division for the first time in history.
