8 milhões podem receber from this week


Ainda sem um calendário de oficial, or payment of the second parcel do emergency aid R $ 600.00 or R $ 1,200.00 (two levels) remain indefinite. According to the vice-president of varejo da Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), Paulo Henrique Angelo, or the bank awaits guidance from the federal government on the new review schedule.

“As a calendar year, this disclosure will be unspoken by the federal government. A Caixa awaits this disclosure for the same pass of operational details of this payment ”, disse Angelo em coletiva nesta second-feira, 11.

Contudo, second or president of the Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, in public hearing in the Commission of Covid-19, or banco deve receber nesta terça-feira, 12, a resposta on 17 milhões de cidadãos that will make or cadastro no site to receive the first plot, more than ainda found in “analysis”.

With the expectation that it will be total, just 6 to 8 milhões estejam you choose to receive or benefit. “It will not be 17 milhões pago, some will be paid, others will be denied for any reason and some will require more than one checagem,” said Guimarães. Apó to analysis and deliberation of two pending cadavers, or dinheiro aos aprovados sairá em até três dias úteis.

At the same time, about 99% of the first stage will be completed, giving more support for the start of the second round. In addition, those who still have not been nominated, rather than sent to the Auxiliary, date for a request on or before July 2.

Agencies must operate on Saturday

On occasion, Pedro Guimarães also stated that more than 2,000 agencies in the Caixa of all or Brazil should operate next Saturday. Only at the end of the week, about 680 units will open for service to those who have a problem as a Caixa Tem application, whether to take out or move to dinheiro.

Questioned about or payment of the second parcel, Guimarães reported that the schedule is still being discussed as President Jair Bolsonaro. Regarding the constant ranks, or the responsibility of the state, they dissected that row zero in more than 4 thousand agencies is not possible, more than in the last weeks or volume of people has been lower.

Além disso, according to Guimarães, or the payment of the second parcel do auxílio will be done in a more calm way, since the part of the bank of registered ones is never formed.

Payment order

Currently, there are three payment schedules of the following:

  • Um for those who inscreveram no site ou aplicativo da Caixa;
  • A second to be the beneficiary of Bolsa Família;
  • The third party for those registered who are not a Single Cadaster (CadÚnico) and who do not receive or Bolsa Família, in addition to many family heads.

From April 27th, or take out in the benefit bank, you are available to those who do not count on the bank or who for some reason do not manage to move or use the Caixa application.

Leia ainda: Defined atualizações no calendário da second parcel do Auxílio Emergencial
