5 evidence that the reality of Record is over


The elimination of Juliano on Thursday (05) reinforces the impression that “A Fazenda 12” entered a water bath. The small group of “villains”, responsible for maintaining the tension in the game, is shattered. Mirella switched sides. And Biel reigns in isolation as the sole antagonist of the hegemonic group.

At what point did “Fazenda 12” start to fade? In the removal of Cartolouco? When did Luiza Ambiel leave? The day the stereo sent Mirella away from Biel? The night the production made a serious mistake and was forced to cancel the farmer’s trial?

Possibly a sum of reasons. The fact is that reality has lost its initial tension and is on the way to becoming a meeting of friends. Five recent moments exhibited by the edition give the impression that reality ended prematurely:

1. O VT do pum – On the most important day, the elimination day, “A Fazenda” took a few good minutes to show the impact of Mateus’ flatulence in the post. The actor’s deadly weapon to win prime time is the clearest proof that things have gone wrong.

2. Self-elimination – When a participant asks to be eliminated, as Juliano did, it is time to turn on the warning signal. Aside from stating that her choice to join the cast was not a good choice, she gives the impression that no one can take it anymore.

3. Lidi’s best moments – In another herculean effort to generate content, the edition produced a VT of more than two minutes highlighting the supposedly funny reactions of the actress. Exaggerating a lot, the show tried to convince us that Lidi has a relevant role in reality.

4. Old joke – When Carioca needs to use an imitation of former President Dilma Rousseff to make a joke about “A Fazenda” in 2020, it’s a sign that the mood has come to an end too soon.

5. Excessive advertising – The total merit of Record, the interest aroused by “Fazenda” brought a new audience for the time and, with it, new advertisers. It’s raining in the station’s orchard, which is great, but it has been painful for audiences to endure so much commercial action, and so little funny content, in every episode. It is necessary to better dose the editorial content with the commercial.
