4 of the 11 Covid vaccines in the final testing phase have already shown satisfactory efficacy and safety rates; see comparative | Vaccine


Four of the 11 vaccines against Covid-19 that are in phase 3 of the tests, the last stage before the application for registration, have already presented satisfactory data on safety and effectiveness in protecting against the disease.

The data was published by the developers themselves (Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna, Instituto Gamaleya and AstraZeneca / Oxford). All data are preliminary and no analysis of the current status of these vaccines has been published in a scientific journal.

See below a comparison of effectiveness rate, safety, logistics and production, e distribution forecast in Brazil:

  • Pfizer + BioNTech: 95% effective and more than 94% effective in elderly people over 65 years of age, according to preliminary data from phase 3.
  • Modern: 94.5% efficiency, according to preliminary data from phase 3.
  • AstraZeneca + University of Oxford: 70%, efficacy with a range of 62% to 90% depending on the applied dose
  • Sputnik V: 92% effective, according to the Russian government,

On November 11, the Russian government announced the preliminary results of phase 3 of the Sputnik V vaccine, the first to present efficacy data and registered for application around the world, but without publication in journals and review of the data. by other scientists. The Gamaleya Institute has been accused of breaking normal development protocols to speed up the scientific process.

Chinese biotech company Sinovac is also in phase 3 testing for CoronaVac with thousands of volunteers. Despite being effective and safe in the results from phases 1 and 2, you still need to present the data from phase 3, a step in which true effectiveness is measured. Therefore, it is not possible to speak of the CoronaVac effectiveness rate at this time.

Scientific journal publishes positive results of the first tests of the CoronaVac vaccine

Scientific journal publishes positive results of the first tests of the CoronaVac vaccine

The efficacy rate represents the proportion of reduction in cases among the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group. In practice, if a vaccine is 90% effective, it means that the person is 90% less likely to contract the disease if they are vaccinated than if they are not.

University of Oxford and Astrazeneca Vaccine Proves Efficacy in the Elderly

University of Oxford and Astrazeneca Vaccine Proves Efficacy in the Elderly

  • Pfizer / BioNTech: the companies said they have so far encountered no serious safety issues, with mild and less common adverse reactions in the elderly. They noted that all the safety data required by the US health agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for the Emergency Use Authorization have been achieved. On Friday (20), Pfizer applied to the FDA for authorization of its vaccine, the first manufacturer to take this step in the United States and Europe.
  • Modern: The company said that an adverse event study indicated that the vaccine was well tolerated, without significant safety concerns. The effects were mild or moderate. Based on this interim analysis, the drugmaker plans to apply to the FDA for emergency use of the vaccine in the coming weeks.
  • AstraZeneca / Oxford: the drugmaker presented a phase 2 study on day 19, in the journal “The Lancet”, stating that its vaccine was shown to be safe and to drive an antibody response, with mild adverse reactions less common in the elderly.
  • Sputnik V: The Russian government reported that there were no unexpected adverse events during the vaccine trials. The scientific community awaits the publication of the results in scientific journals to be more certain regarding the immunizer.

Moderna says its vaccine is 94.5% effective, according to preliminary phase 3 analysis

Moderna says its vaccine is 94.5% effective, according to preliminary phase 3 analysis

  • Oxford / AstraZeneca: Despite having the lowest effectiveness rate (average 70%), the vaccine is the cheapest and easiest to store and transport to all regions of the world. This is because it does not need to be at very low temperatures and can be stored in ordinary refrigerators.
  • CoronaVac: The vaccine also promises not to offer transportation challenges, since, according to a study published on the 17th in the journal “The Lancet”, it can be stored in standard refrigeration, like the flu vaccine, and for up to three years, it That would offer some benefits for distribution. However, phase 3 studies will be crucial in testing all this preliminary information.
  • Pfizer / BioNTech: The companies have the immunizer that will involve great logistical problems, since it needs to be transported at a temperature of -70 ° C. This can become a big obstacle in remote or very hot regions, especially. The US pharmaceutical company said in a statement that it intends to solve the problem with a special temperature-controlled package that uses dry ice to maintain storage conditions for up to 15 days.
  • Modern: This vaccine also presents a logistical challenge due to the storage temperature, which must be around -20ºC during the entire transport. The positive point is that it is possible to keep it in the refrigerator for up to a month.
  • Pfizer / BioNtech: Brazil has not yet reached an agreement to acquire the vaccine, but this week the Brazilian government received executives from Pfizer to, according to the Ministry of Health, “to know the results of the ongoing tests and the conditions of purchase, logistics and storage offered by the laboratory “. . “
  • Modern: like the Pfizer vaccine, they do not yet have a contract with the federal government or the Brazilian states to purchase the Moderna vaccine.
  • AstraZeneca / Oxford: Fiocruz negotiated an agreement with AstraZeneca for the purchase of batches and technology transfer, which will allow the production of more than 70 million doses of the vaccine in the country in early 2021. In addition, the agreement provides for the delivery of 15 million doses until December 2020 and another 15 million until January 2021. This is the first agreement signed by Brazil and presented by the Ministry of Health as the initial option for the Unified Health System (SUS).
  • CoronaVac: the São Paulo state government has an agreement with Sinovac to receive 46 million doses of the vaccine. On Thursday (19) the first 120,000 ready doses of CoronaVac arrived in Brazil. The material was imported from China and developed by the Chinese laboratory, in association with the Butantan Institute. The forecast is that health professionals in the state will begin receiving the vaccine in December.
  • Sputnik V: The government of Paraná signed an agreement with the Gamaleya Institute, in Russia, for an alliance in the development of the vaccine. It is still important to agree on the production of the vaccine in Brazil, which has not happened yet.

Other vaccines in human trials

SinopharmAnother Chinese laboratory has two vaccine projects with research institutes in the country. Sinopharm and the other laboratories predict a production capacity of up to 610 million doses per year of the various Chinese vaccines against Covid-19.

Bharat Biotech: The Indian company began recruiting around 26,000 people in November for its “COVAXIN”, developed with government support, and opted for a vaccine available in the first half of 2021.

Johnson and Johnson: The US company began two clinical trials of its candidate, composed of a modified adenovirus, one with a single dose and the other with two doses. Worldwide, 90,000 volunteers are expected to participate in the survey, according to France Press. Results are expected in the first quarter of 2021.

CanSino Biological: the Chinese company developed “Ad5-nCoV” together with the army, a vaccine based on adenovirus. Phase 3 tests are currently taking place in Mexico, Russia and Pakistan, according to France Press.

Novavax: The American biotech company is working on a vaccine called a recombinant “subunit.” Novavax started the phase 3 clinical trial in September in the United Kingdom and a trial in the United States should begin by the end of November, according to France Press. Preliminary data is expected for the first quarter of 2021.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 222 vaccines against Covid-19 are developed.

VIDEOS: news about the Covid vaccine
