2020 municipal elections: After leading the dispute in 2018, Bolsonarismo and PT must lose prominence


  • Mariana Schreiber – @marischreiber
  • BBC News Brazil in Brasilia

The two main political forces in the 2018 presidential elections, Bolsonarismo and the PT, arrive at the 2020 elections with little chance of winning the country’s main city councils.

In an unusual situation, President Jair Bolsonaro participates in the election supporting independent candidates from different parties, since he himself has been left without a caption since he left the PSL, after an internal power struggle with the president of the acronym, the federal deputy Luciano Bivar (PSL -PHYSICAL EDUCATION).

In the two largest capitals of the country, Bolsonaro decided to support the candidacies of the Republican party (a legend linked to the Universal Church): federal deputy Celso Russomano in São Paulo and Mayor Marcelo Crivella in Rio de Janeiro, who is seeking reelection. However, polls indicate that the two run the risk of not reaching the second round. And, if they succeed, they will have a hard time winning over the leaders of the disputes: the current mayor of São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), and the former mayor of Rio Eduardo Paes (DEM).

The PT, on the other hand, already has a poor electoral performance in 2016, a year in which the party was severely worn out by the impeachment of former president Dilma Rousseff and by the corruption charges of the Lava Jato operation. Four years ago, the acronym lost 60% of the municipalities it had won in 2012 (from 630 to 256), winning in a single capital, Rio Branco (AC). This time, the PT has a good chance of reaching the second round in only two capitals (Vitória and Recife), but, for now, polls indicate that the candidates would lose in the second round.
