2020 election count: see how to follow the results live


RIO – Starting at 5 pm (Brasilia time) on Sunday, at the end of voting, voters will be able to follow the vote count in real time throughout Brazil. The numbers will be updated at the same time that the votes are counted and published on the website of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE). You can also see the map by electoral zone in 100 cities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants and also how the vote is by party.

Real time verification: Follow from 5pm this Sunday

On the first page of the special environment, the reader will find the progress of the investigation in all the capitals of Brazil, divided by region. When choosing a municipality, the candidates will appear in the order of those who are receiving the most votes at that time and the main comments from GLOBO columnists and editors will be able to be followed on Twitter.

Counting Rio: Follow the vote count in Rio de Janeiro

Rio votes: See results by zones of choice of the city

For voters who want to track the polls more closely, the map can be accessed with the division by parties, where the color shown represents the color of the party of the elected candidate. Municipalities marked in white I haven’t had a definitive winner yet. Among the available filters, the search can also be refined by electoral legend, state and municipality. In this special environment, GLOBO will also indicate highlighted maps, such as the party that lost or won the most municipalities in relation to the previous election.

Counting São Paulo: Tracking the vote count in São Paulo

Votes from São Paulo: See results by electoral zones of the city

Consult other services:

Justify vote: What to do in case of absence on voting day and how to justify voting by cell phone

Electronic title: Learn how to download and use the digital title.

Elections 2020: Take a look at the special atmosphere with everything about the dispute.
