India adopts a new strategy to fight China in space


Own report: First Doklama, then Ladakh, then again in Naku La, Sikkim, a lot is happening about India-China. Although China began to withdraw its troops from the shores of Lake Pangong, this time India began to prepare to attack China in space.

By the way, India tested a satellite destroyer a couple of years ago. This time the Defense Space Agency or DSA took on a new program to strengthen the defense system. Knowledge of the spatial situation with name or SSA. Note that the DSA depends on the Ministry of Defense. There are officers from 3 branches of the armed forces. Also present are representatives of the Defense Research and Development Organization or DRDO. In addition, some private scientific institutes also participate.

The SSA program is now focused on missile technology, accurate target identification and various space warfare strategies, as well as the protection and security of the space environment, Defense Ministry sources said. It is known that a preliminary report on the matter could be published in March. India was accused of destroying the space environment after the ASAT missile test two years ago.

Now the same is emphasized in the new show. Additionally, China also tested a similar missile last year after testing an Indian satellite. Now, in the current tense diplomatic situation, India wants to strengthen its arsenal against China. According to the report, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has also started new preparations for space warfare.

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