Farid, a disabled man from Matibhanga village in the Gauripur junction of Pirojpur, earns his living by doing business as he is not dependent on others. His little shop is somehow renting a house at the local Maliaar Hat.
He claimed that if he was assigned a piece of land, he could build a house there and run his business. At the age of 32, Farid couldn’t stand on two legs even once. Both hands are numb. At the age of 32, his body grew only 26 inches. Ignoring physical obstacles, he entered the battle of life 20 years ago.
For 20 years, he rode on his mother’s lap and left the house in the morning to go to the store. He negotiated in the store all day. You cannot deliver the merchandise to any buyer. After paying the price, the buyers take the merchandise from the store for themselves. After the sale, he returned to his mother’s lap around 10 p.m. and returned home.
Farid Hossain, physically disabled, is a self-sufficient man. Farid Hossain is the third child of four children of farmer Barek Mridha and Raushan Ara Begum from Matibhanga village in Gauripur Union. Farid Hossain’s other siblings grew up with perfect physiques, but he was the only exception. There was no benefit in seeking medical help.
He runs a small grocery store by the paved bridge at Maliarhat Bazar. Store name Farid. Farid rented a shop in Maliarhat Bazar for 20 years and started a business with products worth 4,000 taka. You have now increased the scope of your store’s business.
Seeing Farid’s defenseless condition recently, she got a wheelchair from the Upazila Social Services Office and now goes back and forth to the store with the help of others.
In a private conversation with Farid, he told Jugantar that the business, which was built with hundreds of difficulties, had been robbed several times before. So there are no products in the store. He is constantly fighting for his life with difficulties and deprivation.
He added that beggars came and begged him at different times. But he advised them to leave their begging profession and work without begging. It will be possible to expand the scope of your business with the financial support of the rich and caring people of the country to bring a little happiness in the life of the disabled Farid. For this, Farid asked for prayers and general cooperation from everyone.