Yes, the Kansas City Chiefs absolutely must sign 46-year-old Terrell Owens.

Terrell Owns wants to sign with the Kansas City Chiefs and his former coach, Andy Reid. Normally, when a former soccer player in his 40s has been retired for a decade and is already inducted into the Professional Soccer Hall of Fame, I’d say a return to the NFL sounds ridiculous, but have you seen TO recently?

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The Internet claims that he is 46 years old, but that cannot be exact. He appears to be half that age and says he’s practicing social distancing, so by the time NFL teams start traveling from city to city, it probably won’t seem like such a flamboyant potential weapon to Patrick Mahomes.

And that’s the thing. Andy Reid has Patrick Mahomes and he won a Super Bowl. Winning a Super Bowl and having a great all-time quarterback gives NFL coaches the ability to do whatever they want. Bill Belichick had a 43-year-old quarterback attempt (and converted) a drop kick for the first time in six decades.

Is it really so irrational to think that Patrick Mahomes could reach the final zone in 2020? If there is an NFL season, we could find out. Also, TO could break all of Tom Brady’s “records” for receptions and scrimmage yards as a player over 40. Just by stepping on the field, he became the oldest non-kicker to play an NFL game. And probably the only man who has a decade free between snapshots. TO may not be the best receiver of all time, but it may become the best footnote in history.

Gallery: The 9 Best Jets Not in the Professional Soccer Hall of Fame (SMG)

a baseball player running to catch a ball - it's hard to believe that one of the most dominant and versatile defensive linemen of the 1980s is not a member of the Professional Football Hall of Fame, but that's the position in which finds Joe Klecko.  being the first defensive lineman in NFL history to win Pro Bowl picks at all three positions on the line, a two-time All-Pro first team and 1981 NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Klecko is out watching inward when he reaches the Hall of Fame.  The Association of Professional Soccer Researchers named him to the PRFA Very Good Room in 2016, but that's not the same as the consecration in Canton.  If there were catches recorded for Klecko's entire career rather than just the end of it, chances are he would be in the Hall of Fame right now.  Either way, it's surprising to know why he hasn't yet received the highest honor in football.

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