Xbox Series X: alleged image of white controller surfaces

An image of what appears to be a white Xbox Series X controller appeared online, suggesting that another variant or version of the console exists. As The Verge first saw it, a user known as “Wolfy_Wizzardo” posted a photo of the white controller on Reddit. The user account and post is now removed, but apparently the image was taken by the user at a party hosted by the son of a Microsoft employee. It can detect the media share button and the new Xbox X Series Sanitary Control D-Pad, making this leaked controller variant seem somewhat credible by association.

Verge’s Tom Warren spoke to the user before the post was removed, and was told that they had played games on the console, that the user interface was similar to the Xbox One (a point we’ve heard before), the controller. ” it looked more square “and had a more pronounced Xbox button.

Leaving aside the possibility that this may be false (we have seen that 3D printed controllers appeared before before the launch of the console), there are several theories on what this controller could be connected to. Most simply, we are seeing a different color variant for the X Series, be it an unannounced public option or a special edition made for Microsoft employees. This could also be a devkit or debug console controller – console development models often look different than launch models (for example the devkit Xbox One X was white instead of black from the production version) .

Another possibility is that this is the controller for the highly rumored ‘Xbox Lockhart’, a lower-powered, lower-priced X Series model that we’ve heard rumors for some time. In early June, references to an ‘Xbox Lockhart’ were found in the Windows operating system code libraries, suggesting that a second console was rumored to be on the way, as part of the Xbox Series X family. June, a report appeared suggesting that Xbox Lockhart will be revealed in August and will be known as Xbox Series S.

In other Xbox Series X news, check out all confirmed and rumored games for Microsoft’s next-gen console.

Xbox Series X confirmed games

Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.