WWE SmackDown Result, RAP Cap, Grade: Roman Shah formed teams with jigsaw teams, new women’s title challenge emerged

As Roman Raings prepares to defend his universal championship against G Yuso at the Club of Champions, Reagans can be expected to carry out a standard heel-style attack on his cousin. Instead, Friday night’s SmackDown saw a two-man team clash against Sheamus and King Corbin – although Rains was absent from the majority match.

The Kings, who had promised the night before that they would kick Sona out of that kind of beating when they had two kids, left U Sona in the Tug team’s main event before making a very opportunistic appearance to hit the pinnacle score. Yuso is still willing to accept Rains because of his loyalty to his family, but there is a clear tension between the two in the pay-view before September 27, mostly a product of Rains who cares more about his current situation than his man. Long was by his side.

Read on for recaps and highlights of the all-night action.

Roman Reigns and G. Uso join

Roman Rains and Paul Heyman entered the ring for the show-opening promo, Hayen immediately noticing the fact that Jesso Yuso, Raine’s cousin, won the No. 1 contender spot before welcoming So Son into the ring on SmackDown last week. After So Soo arrived at the ring, Hema confirmed that the injured Big E had the idea to change to a deadly four-way to determine the clash at Reliance’s Clash Champs Champions last week with So Soo. The regime promised Uso that, just as they were small children, he would “kick his ass”, which Uso laughed before X Corbyn interrupted him. Corbyn claimed that the whole situation was a preparation to meet a hand-picked opponent, who had just become the champion of the champion. Next up after the disruption was Shiamus, who endorsed Corbyn’s theory. Eventually Reagans teamed up with Shiamus and Corbin late at night to challenge for a Tug match.

G. Uso and Roman Regens Def. By Shinmus and King Corbin Pinfall After the regime struck spears on Shamus. The regime stopped Uso early on, not coming out for the match as Yuso stopped fighting two big bruises in two big situations. As Shamus was about to hit the Brog kick, Raines’ music hit and led to a disturbance that U Son took advantage of both men before going for a US splash on Shamus. The rulers struck a blind hit, and speared Shamus to steal glory from the pin.

The heel run of the Roman Reigns is a great start with its opportunistic methods. He won the universal championship at Pebak without lifting heavily in the match and technically won the match the same way. So Son might have won the match himself, but Raines is now a heel, and thus, a proud hog. The tension between the regime and Uso is interesting and different from the standard WWE dynamic, so it’s hard to complain about it even if the overall angle for the night wasn’t exciting. Grade: B-

Bailey explained the attack on Sasha Banks, challenging the new title

Bailey cut an in-ring promo last week with Sasha chair attacking banks, saying she knew she wanted answers to why she was attacking banks, but instead asked questions. He asked Banks if he thought he was an idiot who didn’t know what his partner was thinking. Bailey knew, she said, that the banks had been waiting for the moment to strike after keeping her for years, but said that after last week, she realized that Belle was now completely useless to her.

Nikki Cross Def. Tamina, Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss by Pimifol After pinning Tamina with a sunset reversal. Cross made his entrance as Bailey was leaving the ring, only to be soon attacked by SmackDown Champ. The question of what effect Find’s time with Bliss had on him was a question before Bliss hit the cross with Sister Abigail outside the ring by match. Anand then left the match and walked backwards. Evans kicked Tamina out with women’s rights before she was expelled by the cross. The Sunset flip was then on Tamina to hit the cross pinf fall and get the title shot at Clash of the Champions.

Bailey had a promo that one should expect. She attacked the banks before the banks attacked her and no longer saw any value in their friendship because it no longer benefits them. And the moment of joy was a solid move in a storyline that has been evolving over the past month. But we saw Cross Challenge Belle twice for the SmackDown title in July, including Extreme Rules. The WWE pattern of playing matches on the ground is tired at this point and serves a little more than a cross month challenger. Also, the match itself was completely forgotten. Grade: C +

What else happened on WWE SmackDown?

  • Intercontinental Championship – AJ Style Def. By Jeff Hardy (C) Incompetence. Before the match, Sammy Zane interrupted to claim to be again True The intercontinental champion was trying to put it “on record” that the match was not a title match, but was knocked out by Adam Pierre and WWE Security. After a bit of solid action, Zen pulled the style down from the ring apron for an inconvenience before running to hit a heluva kick on Hardik. Hardick stumbled and called him “dehydration” after the match before interviewing Styles on the backstage and said he could beat both men, he probably did. Clash of F-Clash is approaching the three-way.

  • Lucha House Party Def. Caesar and Shinsuk Nakmura by Pinfall While Callisto pinned Cicero with a roll-up. Before the match, Cરોsar and Nakamura argued with the backstage of Street Profits and were then distracted when they were shown Ron Tag Champs showing a “small party in the champion lounge” on Tron. Disruption allowed Callisto to steal the pin.

  • Otis Def. John Morrison by Pinfall After hitting the caterpillar. During the match, Miz stole Otis’ money from the bank’s lunchbox, largely proving what Morris didn’t do when the motorists stole the briefcase, only to find out that Otis had contracted the title match in the lunch box. Later, Otis revealed that Meez was stealing a Lunchbox, but no This Lunchbox, announcing the contract he was still in his briefcase.

  • Bry White introduced a new friend at Firefly Fun House. Surprisingly, it was not friend Alexa Bliss, but a parswelling parrot. Pasquale did not pop out of the box where Vyatt tried to reveal it and after “technical difficulties” Vyatt said he should cut some holes in the box and the parrot died. Vince McMahon then appeared to be a puppet, saying that Wyatt could not handle the fun house’s responsibilities and announced a new “special adviser” to the househouse, the puppet on Pob Heyman, Wobbly and Lars.