Tech product launch The year 2020 includes a kind of perspective whiplash that makes it more difficult than usual to decide whether you really want to. is needed Thing.
Considering whether the gadget fits into your life right now, at a time when our needs have changed significantly. It is also a fact that most of the products to be launched this year were dreamed up in 2019 or earlier. At the time, tech companies had a different vision of the future in mind, or at least thought about what the “lifestyle” images in their 2020 product marketing kits would look like. We all did.
Do you need a fully autonomous surveillance drone inside your home? This time I will say no. And yet, about fourteen months ago, someone or someone on Amazon wrote a futuristic press release for a multi-camera drone that keeps flying from room to room in your home.
The drone was announced today at Amazon’s annual hardware event, featuring new eco products, Alexa updates and the occasional gadget quiz, a fast fire release like a talking microwave. Aside from this year’s Amazon event being virtual, it was the same as previous years. There’s a new orb-shaped echo speaker, and an echo show with a swivel screen. But it was the ring drone that stole the show, as it shows how far Amazon is willing to go to get anywhere in your home.
Come fly with me
Why is this drone called Ring Elevs Home? (The product is being sold under the Ring brand, which is owned by Amazon.) I told Dave Limp, Amazon’s top hardware executive, whether it was named because it always lives in your home, or because We Now is always home. Lump says he’s more ex, heading to the ring’s ethos, imagining he’s there even when you’re not there. This noisy sound of techno dystopia may be yours for $ 249 when it comes to ship later this year.
The ring always depends on how you feel about why you are at home Any Ring the camera in your home, as it is part of the pitch. “The seed has been planted by customers who don’t want cameras in every room for privacy reasons, or because they don’t have power outlets in the right places, or because they can’t carry a camera in every room.” Says. “This felt like an interesting way to make a little thread out of a needle.” (In an interview with Edge, Jamie Siminoff, the ring’s founder, called it a “clear product that is very difficult to make.”
When any kind of disturbance is found in your home, the drone will launch from its dock and go to where the incident will take place – say, if there is an intruder, or an animal of any species, the limp indicates. It’s part of Amazon’s larger strategy to plug in and fly and rotate and keep its only products Appear This helper Alexa started showing up everywhere, just where you need them. Amazon has been doing this for a while. The drone may come from inside the house, but it should also come as a surprise.
Police helicopter
The drone sits in its charging dock until ordered to fly around your home.
Photograph: Amazon.