Waze’s railroad alarms are now available worldwide

The groups’ – including MTA Long Island Rail Road, Amtrak, the Railway Association of Canada and the Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico – contributed the information that Waze needed to perform the function in the US, Canada, Mexico and To launch France. However, Waze had to rely on its local map editors to take over railway crossings in the United Kingdom, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Colombia, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, New Zealand. , The Netherlands and Ireland.

Ahead, a banner will automatically appear on Waze when you approach a crossing, which is marked with a familiar “X” sign on the map. The banner will show how far the crossing is and warns you to approach with caution. Dani Simons, head of Waze’s Public Sector Partnership, said: “This feature shows Waze’s commitment to build for its Driving app, as it is the first to implement features and our focus on safety emphasize. “