Voters believe that the winner of the election should fill the court vacancy, the poll shows

WASHINGTON – A clear majority of voters believe the winner of the presidential election should leave the Supreme Court seat vacant with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, according to a national poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College Ledge. The first is giving the court an attempt to run through an appointment.

In a poll of potential voters conducted in the week before Mr. Trump’s nomination to Judge Amy Connie Barrett’s High Court on Saturday, 56 percent said they would prefer to have an election act as a type of referendum on vacancies. Only 41 percent said they want Mr. Trump to choose justice before November.

More surprisingly, voters must reclaim Mr. Trump and the endangered Senate Republicans to close the voting gap: 62 percent of hastily elected women, 63 percent independents and 60 percent college-educated white voters said. The winner of the campaign wants to fill the seat.

The warning signs for Republicans are also profound on the issue of abortion, on which a fiercely judged judge, Judge Barrett, can give a majority vote, she should confirm: 100% of those surveyed believe abortion should be legal or at some point.

The poll suggests that Mr. Trump will reap some political benefits from the clash over abortion rights: 56 percent said that if Mr. Trump were to do his justice Ro v. They are less likely to vote if it helps defeat Wade, with only 4 percent saying they would. There will be more tendency to vote for him.

In addition to the upcoming battle over the court, the survey suggests that Mr. Trump is a prevalent president who has slammed Democratic candidate Joseph R. on any important issue of the campaign. Biden Jr. has not established a clear upper hand. Voters are rejecting it by a wide margin on the management of the coronavirus epidemic, and they express no particular confidence in the management of the public order. While it has relatively strong marks on the economy, most voters also say they are at least partly to blame for the economic downturn.

Perhaps the most comforting news in the Republican vote is that at least some Americans have fluid or conflicting views on the nomination process. When a majority of voters chose to appoint a successor to the next president, Justice Ginsberg, the country was effectively divided over whether to take action on Mr. Trump’s nomination by the Senate: 47 percent Were. Indeterminate. Still, women and independents were adamantly opposed to the Senate sitting on Mr. Trump’s appointment.

Percentage in turnout. The percentage percentage point was the margin of sample error.

Judge Jinsberg’s death shocked Washington in the weeks leading up to the election, signaling the possibility of maintaining a Rs 1-seat majority on the Supreme Court and marking the latest extraordinary event in the most unusual election year in modern history.

Yet, while many Americans have survived the epidemic, economic collapse, and increasingly tense opposition to racial justice, he has done little to reshape the presidential campaign that the polls show has remained remarkably stable.

Mr Biden is leading Mr Trump, from 49 per cent to 41 per cent, according to a Times poll showing his huge advantage among women and black and Latino voters and his advantage among the constituencies favoring the president in 2016, including men and the elderly. Voters. Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are bound in men, each receiving 45 percent.

The former vice president looks significantly stronger among college-educated white voters than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Mr. Biden is winning 60 percent of white women with college degrees, compared to Mr. Trump’s 34 college percentages, and he is defeating the president among them. Men with college degrees, 50 percent to 45 percent. Four years ago, according to exit polls, Mrs. Clinton defeated the seven-legged-educated white women by just seven percentage points and the college-educated white men by 14 points from Mr. Trump.

Ballots have already been sent to a number of states, and with the first presidential debate scheduled for Tuesday, there is a narrow window for Mr. Trump’s return.

One of the key differences in campaigning for the 201 campaign is that he will need to get close to 100% to defeat Mr. Biden as there is no significant interest in third-party candidates this year. The Libertarian and Green Party nominees combined to collect only 3 percent; The figure is closer to more typical elections than it was four years ago, when secondary-party candidates cast more votes in the run-up to the election and garnered as much as one percent in some key states.

As the country is so polarized, public opinion on various issues is increasingly linked to the choice of the President. The question of which candidate will do better to choose Supreme Court justice, for example, effectively matches the White House race: 100 percent of voters trust Mr. Biden on the High Court, 100 percent trust Mr. Trump, and 100 percent trust Mr. Trump. Is. The percentage of inexperienced voters in the presidential race is equal, undeniable

Voters are less biased on the issue of abortion. Although Mr. Trump’s vow to quickly fill the seat of Justice Jinsberg has sparked outrage on the left, it’s not just the liberal aggression that puts Republicans at risk if they keep the court’s clash centers on Rona’s future.

The poll shows that 711 percent of independents said abortion should be a law or more, and a Republican 1 percent said the same thing. Only 33 percent of the country said the process should be illegal at all or most of the time.

Decisive constituencies said they are less likely to vote if Mr. Trump reverses his candidate Ron. That includes 65 percent independents and 61 percent college-educated white voters.

Dorothy Stanton, 68, of Decatur, Ghana, said she considered voting for Mr Biden and “in the days where you can’t get a legal abortion.” There was a fear of returning.

“It’s not fair that we can go back to those days.” Ms. “If they’re going to ban a woman’s body, they should ban a man’s body,” Stanton said.

There is a similar warning sign for Republicans on the issue of health care. Fifty-five percent of voters, including about two-thirds of independent candidates, said they support the Obama-era law, the Affordable Care Act, which seeks to overturn Mrs. Trump’s administration in the Supreme Court. Democrats are trying to challenge popular law at the center of Mr. Trump’s court battle, a move that could threaten his nominee by linking him to Rowe.

Nearly a month after Mr. Trump used his convention to provoke Mr. Biden and his party into false rhetoric as allies of rioters and criminals, the president is not seen by most voters as a successful president of law and order. Thirty-four percent of voters said they approved the operation of their law and order, while eight percent said they disapproved.

Handling Mr. Trump’s coronavirus epidemic is still a major political responsibility and the polls suggest he has not succeeded in persuading the majority of voters to treat the disease quickly. A majority of voters, 56 percent, said they rejected Mr. Trump’s view of the epidemic, with half the proportion of white voters and the same proportion of men, groups that generally lean to the right.

Americans oppose Trump’s policy choices by a significant margin in Mrs.: Two-thirds of voters said they would support the national mask order, while 63 percent said they would support a new lockdown to fight another wave of disease if public health experts recommend it. Will give. Them. Mr. Trump has opposed both measures; He has repeatedly mocked the wearing of masks and attacked state and local officials for imposing health-based restrictions on public activities.

Yet 40 percent of the president’s people support the nationwide mask order.

Mr. Biden has decided on opposition positions which are more in line with the preferences of the voters. He supported the national mask order, although he acknowledged that the president could not have the power to impose one by Fiat, and he urged public officials to enforce the lockdown as necessary. He has criticized Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly suggested that he be vaccinated before the election process, to politicize the process.

Polls show that the president is not moving forward with voters, confusing the possibility of getting a valid vaccine for hay fever in a hurry. Thirty-one percent said they would oppose vaccine distribution before the clinical trial was completed.

And while Mr. Trump has insisted that the coronavirus will soon disappear, most voters disagree. Half said they believe the worst effects of the epidemic are still ahead, while 43 percent said the unhappy phase is over.

The poll shows Mr. Trump is the strongest on economic issues, a standing force for him. Fifty-five percent of voters said they approved the management of the economy, with about half being women, Hispanics and college-led white-educated voters, groups that primarily support Mr. Biden. The president has re-elected, arguing that once the epidemic has passed, he is best equipped to restore economic prosperity.

But voters’ assessments of Mr. Trump’s economic leadership are not entirely positive, and the president appears to be paying the price for his role during the epidemic in the region. Fifty percent of voters said Mr. Trump was partly or primarily responsible for the economic downturn, compared to 15 percent saying he was not very responsible for the recession and 28 percent said he took no responsibility.

Most voters seem to be in a pessimistic mood, with a majority of voters convinced that the American government is inactive and tends to view the 2020 election campaign in strict terms. Three in five said the United States would decide whether to have a prosperous democracy in the 2020 election, while only 100 percent said whoever won the country would be prosperous and democratic.

That perspective is cut into demographic, regional, generational and ideological lines, with most people in each subgroup saying that the country’s future as a prosperous democracy is in jeopardy.

While 54 per cent of voters said the country’s political system could still solve its problems, a full 100 per cent said the United States was too divided to make the political system work.

Voters were equally divided over whether those departments would be easier if Mr Biden was elected president, with a third saying the situation would improve and a third would make it worse. Three out of 10 voters said the situation would remain the same.

But most voters saw little hope of reform under Trump’s second term. Only 17 percent said the country’s divisions would get easier after Trump’s second victory, while 50 percent said they would get worse.

Here are the crossbases for voting.