Unmarried men at risk of death over Covid-19: study

Unmarried men at risk of death over Covid-19

Being a man, having a low income, low education, not getting married, and being born in middle-income countries – these are the factors that are associated with the highest risk of death from Covid-1, researchers warn.

“We can show that discussions and news about the Covid-1 deb have independent effects from a variety of different risk factors,” said study author Sven Drefhel of Stockholm University in Sweden.

“All of these factors are individually associated with a strong elevated risk of dying from covid-1 ying,” Drefhall added.

The study is based on data from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare, which covers all reported deaths of adults aged 19 to 20 and older in Sweden.

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, Drefhel explained that people born abroad generally have a lower mortality rate than people born in Sweden.

This also applies when research takes into account the level of income and education.

The elevated risk of death from Covid-19 for this group remains after researchers have taken control for circumstances such as income and level of education.

Studies have shown that being a man, low income and low level of education also increase the risk of death from Covid-19. As with these aspects, it also agrees with patterns for mortality from other diseases.

The findings show that men are twice as likely to die from covid-19 as women.

The inclusion of unmarried men and women (including unmarried, widowed / widowed women and divorcees) is 1.5-2 times more likely to be married to people from Kovid-1.

According to researchers, men generally have higher mortality rates at a comparative age, which is thought to be due to a combination of biology and lifestyle.

“The deaths of low-educated or low-income people may be largely due to lifestyle factors, including economic ones,” said study author Gunnar Anderson.

“Similarly, we can explain the improved mortality rate from Covid-19 for these groups,” Anderson added.

Several previous studies have also shown that single and unmarried people have higher mortality rates from various diseases, the research team noted.

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