Trump denies WH asked about adding him to Mount Rushmore, calling it a ‘good idea’

North of South Dakota namesake said it added Trump’s “dream” to the monument.

President Donald Trump has reportedly reached out to a White House Assistant Assistant to South Dakota’s GOP Gov. Kristi Noem to inquire about the process of adding presidents to Mount Rushmore, calling it “false news.”

Then he called it a ‘good idea’.

“Never suggest it though, based on all the many things that have been done in the first 3 1/2 years, maybe more than any other Presidency, seems like a good idea to me!” Trump said in a tweetje late Sunday.

He also posted a photo of the July fourth-year year-out performance on Mount Rushmore – with his face carefully matched to that of the other four of the nation’s most memorable presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

The New York Times reported earlier Sunday that when Noem Trump greeted on his arrival in South Dakota on July 3, they presented him with a four-foot replica of Mount Rushmore that covered his face.

According to the Times, a Republican official familiar with the matter said an aide from the White House reached out to Noem’s office last year to request the process of adding additional presidents to the monument.

Noem, a rising star in the Republican Party, even knew earlier that Trump was envious of the idea.

In a 2018 interview with the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, Noem said the two stepped up a conversation about perspective in the Oval Office during their first meeting.

“I started laughing,” she said. “He was not laughing, so he was completely serious.”

She went on, “He said, ‘Christ, come here. Shake my hand, and so I shook his hand, and I said,’ Poor President, you have to come to South Dakota sometimes. We have Mount Rushmore. ‘ And he goes, ‘Do you know it’s my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?’ “

Trump also suggested he be added to Mount Rushmore at a campaign rally in Youngstown, Ohio, in 2017.

‘I’d ask if you ever think I’m on Mount Rushmore, but here’s the problem – if I did it, joking, joking, having fun, the fake news media will say,’ He thinks he’s on the Mount Rushmore. Mount must be Rushmore, ” Trump said.
