Top 5 Mega Dragon Types: Drake Reese Meta

The concept of Mega Evolution in Pokemon

Mega Evolution is well and truly in us Pokemon Go.

While much heat has been received in response to the introduction of the Mega Evolution, there is no denying that Mega Evolution is the most powerful. Pokemon in meta.

The best part? They are more or less future-proof in terms of their aptitude and strength.

Take Mega Charizard Y, for example. That 319 ATK state is literally on fire !!!

The mere mention of Mega Charizard Way unanimously draws its attention to its terror counterpart: Mega Charizard X. Probably the most popular mega evolution, Mega Charizard X is just cool due to its appearance, design and, well, it’s a Charizard Evolution!

The Mega Cherryzard X not only lacks the raw power of its Y brothers, but it is also comparable to some. Future Mega Evolved Dragon


Mega Dragon Are kind of wild. They are some of the most powerful Pokemon in the competitive scene and naturally, they define a matte, no, The role of meta shaking In Pokemon Go!

No run scored on this ball Dragon The game includes most OP genres and the purpose of writing this is to highlight the top 5 Dragon Type mega evolution in Pokemon Go!

These 5 Draconic stalwarts are absolutely phenomenal and are perfect for anyone the size of a Denarius Targarin from GOT.

So to find the 5 stars of the mighty we call your inner mother (or father) of the dragon flying in the sky. Dragon Types!

Nodh: Statistics of each mega evolution in this article and the maximum CP. There is educated speculation based on the state and CP of the current mega evolution of the game.

Top 5 Mega Evolved Dragons Inn Pokemon Go

# 1 Mega Requaza

Max CP6039
ATK 389 DEF 216 HP233
Weak Against the strong
Dragon Fairy Ice Rock Dragon Fighting Grass Bug

Will you see that

Honestly, have you thought about anything else taking the # 1 spot?

Mega Requaza is simply not the most powerful Dragon Type Mega Evolution, it is also the most powerful dragon of the whole game. Duration.

The monster’s DPS is high in the sky (see what I did there?) And the other dragons don’t come close to the amount of damage this dragon can get out.

His statistics honestly put many legends to shame.

Blessed with the dragon tail and the bread and butter powersheet of aggression, even 9% imperfect in its current figure will not make it shine.

Speaking of which, despite that shiny mega requa!

It’s no surprise that Mega Requaza was also banned from Smogan’s omnipotent Uber tires.

See above. That fear.

# 2 Mega Gercomp

Maximum CP 5424
ATK 339 DEF 222 HP239
Weak Against the strong
Dragon Fairy Ice Dragon Fire Electric Rock Poison Steel

The most feared pseudo legend has a new face.

And it is stronger and more meaningful than anything.

Mega Gercomp has an astonishing 339 ATK and is bulky than Mega Requaza.

While the Base Gark omps meet stiff competition from other dragons like Lamens, Raikaza, Reshiram and Zechrome, the Mega Gark omps move on to different areas.

Get this: Mega Garcamp is arguably the strongest non-legendary Pokemon in the game and he also beats many legends in the process with both his dragon tail and aggression and mud shots and seismic sets (sand tombs both say hi to the set).

It still has a potential community day on the horizon, through which it can become even more formidable. For a guess about Grechomp’s potential Community Day special move, check out my Garchomp meta-analysis!

A super-bulky, monster-DPS churning and skeet-ripping land shark that dominates both Dragon And Ground Meta type?

Go, garch omp!

# 3 Mega Salemans

Max CP 5031
ATK 310 DEF 251 HP216
Weak Against the strong
Dragon Fairy Ice Rock Dragon Fighting Grass Bug

The second pseudo on this list is the legendary and # 3 dragon, Mega Salemens amazing.

With his community day moony in the rage, Selemans hit the gold rush and continued to dominate the raiding spot in the game.

Its use in PVP has so far been limited due to being less than the impressive DEF but the mega salamanders make up for it more than the massive increase its deaf state receives on the mega evolved.

While its vintage dragon tail and aggression set is overshadowed by the same set of Mega Requaza and Mega Grechomp, the Tek 310 Attic State with good bulk is a beast in itself!

Mega Salemons has always carved a niche for itself as a premiere Dragon With demonic power and he will continue to do so.

This object is known as a ‘blood-soaked crescent’ Pokemon Laur.

Well, it’s easy to see why.

# 4 Mega Latiaz

Max CP 4801
ATK 289 DEF 297 HP 190
Weak Against the strong
Dragon Fairy Ice Ghosts Bug Dark Dragon Fighting Poison

Surprising surprise!

Didn’t expect to see Mega Latias, Did you?

Let me explain

While the ATK state partner of Mega Latiaz is undoubtedly less than its partner Mega Latios, there are two notable issues that make Mega Latiaz an outstanding mega evolved ion. Pokemon:

  1. Mega Latius is more bulky than Mega Latios
  2. Importantly, Mega Latios learns inevitable aggression compared to Mega Latios Dragon Clones. Thus, more power.

You go, girl! More power to you!

# 5 Mega Latios

Maximum CP 5007
ATK 335 DEF 241 HP239
Weak Against the strong
Dragon Fairy Ice Ghosts Bug Dark Dragon Fighting Poison

Look and see, Eon Duo is our other member as the final entrant to our list.

There will be another Dragon Type, by the way (Oh Jan 3, you all went with your dragon, no?)

The ll of mega lattices is the ATK state of the stars of AT (more than both mega salamanders and mega lattices) and is in the reverse direction.

The reason is quite simple: it lacks the sheer power of aggression.

Pokemon Go is all about movesets and regardless of how hard Pokemon can be hit, the absence of a powerful step to do justice to the ATK state can really make the so-called Pokemon very submerged.

This in no way makes mega latios ‘bad’.

The combination of Dragon Breath and Dragon Chloe makes it a tremendous threat in PVP.

The brotherhood is strong!

Some issues to highlight:

  • The ATK figures for the Mega Raikuza (938) and Mega Gercomp (9339) are pushing the bright future giants like Black and White Currum (1010), Ultra Necrosma (7337) and Eternatus (888).
  • Mega Requaza can be as good as that Flying Type with a dragon accent
  • Garch omps can get better with a single community day move
  • Mega Salemons get impressive bulk and PVP of base Salemons make Achilles heel, making it more practical for PVP there.
  • Mega Latios will probably lose Mega Latios as well Dragon Type, but it’s definitely good as one Mental Type as they have Mental Type Moveset


So there you have it.

5 super strong Dragon Types that qualify a 5 star Uber rating (Again, see what I did there?)

Nintendo has claimed That they are looking for a better way to make Mega Evolution work Pokemon Go.

While the increase in mega and holiday from raids by the B system D system and the mega already holiday earnings through the B and D system are already in the pipeline, it remains to be seen how and when Nintendo will implement a complete and experimental mega energy system.

The release of More Mega Evolution is undoubtedly an exciting affair Dragon Types play a major role in shifting a pattern to meta.

Of these relentless mega dragons, none are more powerful and / or favorite than these 5 stalwarts.

You can guarantee the fact that these 5 dragons will be more valuable than that.

So maximize them, get high IV, trade lucky and treasure those gorgeous shins …

Will you hear them scream?

Because as we know “Drecresis meta” will completely cut out the traditional meta.