The top post on Reddit 2020 was a photo of Rick Astley, posted by Rick Astley

Reddit shared today that his most up-to-date post of 2020 was a 1989 one by Rick Astley, a picture posted by Living Self. Reddit’s year in review blogs may be a better understanding of the broader Internet culture, and the site’s list of the most popular topics of conversation includes the biggest issue of the year: “Covid-1” “was mentioned 500.6 million times. But it also includes other types of virality.

Rick Astley has been known for his single “Never Give Up” since 1987, which became a worldwide hit long before the music video for the song was used to create a recurring meme. Recruits were all the rage on the web in the early 2000’s, and based on the interactions this post got to R / Pics, even people who knew Ast Staley as the only person who would “never let you down” seemed surprised. Artist.

The most updated reddit post of 2020.
Image: Reddit, Rick Astley

Following Astley, the second most up-to-date post after 2020 was a short “story” posted in R / MEMS, successively on flat-clay changing YouTube video titles. Was dooking. It’s not an immediate indifference to 80’s photos, but I think you’ll agree that clowning people has the same timeline quality.

The second most updated reddit post of 2020.
Image: Reddit, Reborn

Confirming Astley’s persistent viral status, Reddit finally revealed that 52 million users visit her site every day and that number is growing. That’s less than other social platforms – there are about 406,000 exceptions on the ley still photo and 292,000 on the flat-earth meme – but the fact that these were the posts that active users wanted to advance the Reddit charts reflects the internet population that Looking for disruption. Bad year. It seems that some people, for a simple and easy time, feel a little nostalgic for online and off.