The number of American children tested positive for COVID-19 last week

Last week, more than 1,000,000 American children tested positive for coronavirus – the highest amount in any seven-day period since the epidemic began, new data shows.

New cases were reported in children by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Hospital Association, which compiles weekly coronavirus numbers across the country.

From October 22 to October 29, a record 61,447 children tested positive, the report said.

Sally Goza, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said in a statement: “This is quite a reminder that everyone is affected by the epidemic.

“The virus is highly contagious, and just as we see spikes in many communities, children are also more likely to be infected.”

In all, more than 853,000 children have contracted COVID-19 since the onset of the epidemic.

You say they collect data from 49 states, New York City, Washington, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and Guam.

The age of the children considered varies by state. In New York City, for example, children under the age of 17 are considered children.

In Tennessee and South Carolina, the age range for children is 0 to 20.
