The new Windows 10 icons look a lot like the MacOS icons

Micro .ft is changing even more Windows 10 icons as its latest part Build interior preview 21343. Is the company Its icons have already been redesigned Built-in applications and some others, Like Windows Security, Narrator and Notepad. And back IN 2018, Microsoft gave its Office Fee Icons a total overall. Even more changes came in 2020. (Honestly, I’m still not used to the Office Fee icon changes, though I’ve come to accept them.)

The latest round Changes, which should eventually roll out on every Windows 10 computer, The Office Fees icon has changed dramatically. But am I the only one, or are the Windows 10 icons starting to get more and more MacOS icons as time goes on?

Let’s start with the drive and recycle bin icons. Instead of a three-quarter view, there are now both front-facing and look Similar to the same icons on the OS Cos. Exhibit A:

Notice how the green dot on the drive icon now rotates from right to left, locations. Drive icon on MacOS Big Sur and Catalina (also pops up when you insert a flash drive into a USB port)Face, but The green dot is on the right, which is the point on the existing Windows 10 drive icon. The new Windows Drive icon has less slot, but still looks more Mac-like.

New Windows R.Icycle bIs also more like a Mac than before. It is also front-facing and slightly lower. MacOS waste The icon is round, not rectangular, but it is also partially view-medium papers also flowing almost from above. Is paper a Slightly more colorful than the Windows version, But still.

As if those icons like Microsoft Cause Look-A-weren’t bad enough, MicroSF is completely redesigning desktop, documents, downloads, pictures, music and videos folder icons. Exhibit B:

Micro .ft says it is redesigning to create these icons “It’s easier to tell them at a glance.” I argue that it is already easier to say except for the current icons, if each icons already contain a music note, arrow, etc., but the bits of those icons hang around the open manila folder instead of embedding them in the center like the new icons in the image above. Do you know what other signs like this are? MEchos.

They are not so colorful, as Apple has chosen to make all its folders a shade of blue. But at the center of it all are different symbols to distinguish one from the other. Windows 10 icons, especially new pictures and desktops, are also different shades of blue, such as OS Cause, but the rest of the new icons are more colorful, like the colorful MacOS icon bar on desktop.

Especially for big tunes, Apple Paul wanted its icons Seems more compatible with people on iOS. Microsoft .ft is trying to do this with this new Windows 10 icon.

Microsoft said in its recent Windows Insider blog that “many changes have been made, such as the targeting of folder icons and the default default file type icons, to make them more compatible with the files that show up in Microsoft .ft products.”

It’s all well and good, but it seems to be related to the larger tendency to simplify the symbols as much as possible. If you compare the icon change to the OS COS from Cat Telina to Big Sur, for example, You will notice significant changes, especially in calculators, calendars and mail icons. (Not everyone was a fan of it, Where.)

When we turn back Microsoft started replacing more Windows 10 icons in 2020, He also said that he wants to maintain a consistent look on Android, iOS and iOS Cause. Having more make-like icons definitely helps in that mission, even though it seems to work Windows 10 itself Will look more like a Mac instead of being out of bha. Maybe I just hate change, but these new signs are none of mine.
