Tetris effect Coming to Xbox, developer Enhance Games announced Thursday during the Xbox Games Showcase. The game will be available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X with Smart Delivery, and via Xbox Game Pass, this holiday season when Microsoft’s next-generation console launches. The new version is called Tetris Effect: connected, and brings a mind blowing multiplayer experience to the puzzle game along with the entire single player campaign.
The new Connected content will remain exclusive to Xbox for months. In the summer of 2021, an expansion for Tetris effect It will bring multiplayer, as a free update, to PlayStation 4, Windows PC through the Epic Games Store and Oculus Quest. Players will be able to participate in new modes, such as Zone Battle, which “shakes up the traditional Tetris game 1-on-1 through the Zone mechanics that are famous in Tetris effect ” According to a press release. In Connected mode, up to three players can play together “as one” on a single connected Tetris game field with “increasingly challenging CPU controlled bosses”.
Cross play will be available across all Xbox platforms.
Tetris Effect It was originally released in 2018 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. It is an iteration of the original. Tetris, which is essentially a fit test of brightly colored blocks in tight spaces. Tetris effect It maintains this principle, but savagely changes the aesthetic with striking and euphoric visuals and sounds. We think it is “the best Tetris game since the original” and one of the best games of 2018.
In 2019, Enhance Games and Tetris Co. announced a Windows version of the PC game: “The Ultimate Version” with “Extended Gameplay and Graphics Options.”