Tamar braxton She warned network executives that she was suicidal and blamed reality TV producers for exploiting secrets about her personal life, which she was not ready to share, and in the weeks leading up to her hospitalization, she “considered ending” her life.
According to the explosive letter, obtained by The Blast, Tamar responded to a message sent by WeTV executives to employees, including Braxton, describing the company’s efforts to support the black community.
In his response, sent on June 2, 2020, Tamar BLASTED the web comparing them to “cruel white slave masters who once chained our ancestors”, and then blamed him for turning the Braxton family from a ‘once happy’ group people who “fight together, betray us, and now we are physically attacking ourselves.”
She continued, “It all happened because her show has chosen to show the absolute worst side of a strong, independent, and successful African American family.”