Take the blood sugar and keep your diet on track 5 best snacks

Within inches of the snack cabinet, we’re all working from home, and there’s murder on your efforts to eat healthier, lose weight or keep blood sugar low (because spikes increase insulin, fat is stored, weight gain).

In honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month, we asked a nutritionist who understands the need for snacks to help keep blood sugar low and lose weight, to recommend her the best snacks for a healthy life. We need great satisfaction from the small loss of our efforts to stay healthy, fit and not to lose weight. Here is a list of her 5 best snacks to hang out with while working from home.

“Anyone who is trying to lose weight or who is dealing with diabetes or diabetes or pre-diabetes is the best snack blend that is high in fiber, lean,” says Toby Smithson, Diabetes Lifestyle, RDN, MS. High in protein or healthy fats. “Expert,” these compounds will help reduce the likelihood of raising blood sugar levels. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on your blood sugar level before breakfast and two hours after breakfast to see how it affects your blood sugar. “

5 Best Snacks to Eat Healthy, Keep Blood Sugar Low, and Feel Satisfied

1. “Caramel” Apple Pal: By replacing carbohydrate caramel with almond butter we can easily prepare a diabetes-friendly version of the old-fashioned version of the favorite caramel apple. Cut an apple into wedges and spread crispy almond butter on one side.

Nutritional benefits: Chopping caramel for almond butter reduces the number of carbohydrates and increases the fiber in your breakfast. Studies have shown that almonds do not raise blood glucose levels and make us feel full and satisfied.

2. Flavored Popcorn: Place the cup-popcorn kernels in a medium bowl; Cover the bowl with the microwaveable plate and microwave on the setting for 2 ½ -3 minutes. Carefully remove the hot bowl of popcorn and sprinkle with the spice mixture. Use a tablespoon of ground cinnamon and a low-calorie sweetener for a sweet taste; For pizza flavor, sprinkle popcorn with oregano, garlic and basil; Use chili powder and cumin for spicy taste.

Nutritional benefits: Popcorn is a whole grain, which also contains fiber. Fiber in whole grains has been shown to improve blood sugar, weight and cholesterol as part of the management of diabetes.

3. Almond, raw or salted: Almonds alone make for a diabetes-friendly snack. No recipe is needed for this plant-based nutritious snack.

Nutritional benefits: Ons for nuts, almonds are a high-fiber (4g) tree nut and provide 6 grams of plant protein in each healthy handful. Nuts have been shown to improve hemoglobin A1C (your 3-month average blood sugar range) results when they are used as a carbohydrate-rich food substitute.

4. Sweet and Savory Combo: Combine 17 frozen grapes and 23 nuts in a bowl for a quick salty and delicious portion-controlled snack.

Nutritional benefits: Almonds contain fiber, protein and healthy monounsaturated fats. This nutritious makeup is likely to keep you satisfied and give you consistent blood sugar for the next meal.

5. Roasted Spicy Chickpeas: Rinse and dry canned chickpeas, place on a cookie sheet, top with a teaspoon of olive oil, and add spices to taste (suggested: 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes),

Nutritional benefits: Improved blood sugar and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease are high in fiber and plant protein.

Toby Smithson is a diabetes lifestyle expert, founder of DiabetesEveryday.com and co-author of Diabetes Meal Planning and Dummy Nutrition.
