Tag Archives: news

Florida Registers 8,500 New Coronavirus Cases in a Single Day

Florida continued to record high numbers of coronaviruses on Sunday, adding more than 8,500 new cases to its state count, according to a report. The sunshine state recorded 8,530 new infections, with a total of 141,075 cases of COVID-19, NBC Miami reported. Sunday’s count comes just a day after the …

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ReOpen Maryland co-founder Tim Walters has coronavirus

The leader of a group that fought against the Maryland coronavirus blocking measures is now seriously ill from the spread, but refuses to help contact trackers, according to reports. Tim Walters, co-founder of ReOpen Maryland, whose protests included flashmobs of unmasked people, revealed in a video that he “crashed” last …

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The Rolling Stones threaten to sue Trump for using his songs

The Rolling Stones are threatening legal action against President Trump for using their songs in their protests despite previous cease and desist directives on the songs. The rockers said Sunday that their legal team joined the music rights organization BMI to stop the use of their material in Trump’s re-election …

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