Starbucks employees spit drinks served to officers, police say

A former Starbucks employee in Park Ridge, New Jersey, is charged with spitting on drinks served to police officers, authorities said.

Kevin Trejo, 21, of Westwood, was arrested and charged Monday after an investigation found he spit into the drinks of officers who frequented the store where he worked, Park Ridge Police Chief Joseph Madden said in a statement.

Madden thanked the store management for “their sincere cooperation” and said that Trejo appeared to have acted alone.

“We received a notice that he had done this,” Capt. Joseph Rampolla told NBC News. “That was enough for our detective office to worry about, especially during” the coronavirus pandemic.

Rampolla said it is unclear how many times Trejo spit on the drinks.

“We believe it happened more than once, but we can prove that it happened at least once on May 25,” he said in a telephone interview Tuesday. Rampolla did not elaborate on how police confirmed the May 25 incident.

To date, no officer who has visited the store has been sick, he said, but the department is in the process of alerting officials from nearby jurisdictions that they may have purchased a drink from the store on or around May 25. .

Historically, the Park Ridge location has had a very good relationship with local law enforcement and has hosted multiple “Coffee with a Police” events, Rampolla said.

He said he doesn’t want Trejo’s alleged behavior to tarnish the reputation of the company or the store’s workers.

Still, he said, under the current threat from COVID-19, it’s disturbing to think that a person would intentionally spit someone’s drink.

A Starbucks spokesman, Reggie Borges, said Trejo was fired.

“This individual’s behavior was reprehensible and was not at all a reflection of how our employees treat our customers on a daily basis,” Borges told NBC News. “We have apologized to the Park Ridge Police Department.”

The spokesperson added: “Everyone who enters our stores should receive a positive experience and when that does not happen, we will move quickly to address it and be held accountable. We will continue to support the Park Ridge Police in support of their investigation and will have deep respect by the Park Ridge Police Department and the officers who help keep our partners and communities safe. “

The spokesperson could not confirm how long Trejo worked in the store.

Trejo is accused of subjecting a law enforcement officer to contact with bodily fluids, tampering with a cup of coffee knowing it was purchased by a law enforcement officer, and creating a dangerous environment.

He was released under his own recognition on Monday. He could not immediately be reached for comment Tuesday. His first court appearance is on August 3.