Skull Session: Jim Harbug needs to cancel the game, Garrett Wilson’s father misses him during the holidays, and Seth Towns is back soon.

Merry December, everyone. Here’s hoping this month will bring us plenty of bookie football this weekend.

Word of the day: Umbrage.

Hope and prayer. “Jim Harbaugh has the best chance of not being embarrassed against Ohio State if the game is canceled,” he said. But now he is very true and will probably be able to save his job as well.

But in the interest of considering possible scenarios, imagine that the Michigan-Ohio state game cannot be played because of Cochid-19.

A game cancellation due to a virus is not out of the question.

In fact, Michigan suspended football activities Monday.

Can you imagine if this lasts? And the Michigan-Ohio State game can’t be played?

As crazy as it sounds, Michigan seems more likely to beat Ohio State on the field.

Not even defeating Ohio State due to COVID-19 will make it easier for the administration to announce the extension.

That’s now the state of the program, where canceling the biggest game of the year may be the best state scenario. I don’t think there are a lot of Michigan fans who would be offended if this season was over.

So listen to me – what if we play a long game here? I stumble upon this crime like no one else to see Michigan as a fish for the third-straight time, but if canceled it would give Harboh an extension …

Either way, we win!

Wouldn’t be home for Christmas. Garrett Wilson’s father doesn’t see his son in the month, doesn’t look up at Thanksgiving, and doesn’t look at him for Christmas. And he knows how things should be.

“He wasn’t home for Thanksgiving and no, he won’t be home for Christmas and that’s all very difficult things. But we understand that this is his time, his chance, and we don’t let anything get in the way.” If not, “said Wills.

Therefore, Garrett, like other OSU players, socially stays away from his family. And as a father, Wilson says it’s hard not to be able to wrap your arms around the one you love.

“He’s not around his family because he really wants to maintain the distance that Coach Day has asked him to maintain,” Wills said. “We’re happy with it, but despite this fact, I’d love to hug and kiss him, saying, ‘I’m your dad … I love you.’

Here’s a quick reminder that players haven’t seen their families in months, possibly before the season kicked off about positive COVID tests. As frustrated as you are that the seasons are in danger, I promise they are more evil.

Save Twins Tun coming. I’m not going to tend to be the last game to be beautiful, but the good news seems to be that the Buckeyes are preparing to get a little much needed strength on hardwood.

To date, it has been 996 days since the Towns basketball game was last introduced. Here’s hoping it doesn’t make it to 1,000.

For epidemic days of the house. Looks like the bookies have a new hardwood home – at least for now.

I am, for one, Shocked Ohio State has decided not to use the empty 19,000-person arena that is angry at people and sterile.

* Whisper * Now it’s time to bulldoze and make a permanent change …

Definitely not getting fire. Tom Herman’s job is so safe, he says for hiring his boss that his job is safe. Always a great sign!

Hermann will be better on the line for these phone calls. Otherwise, these teenagers are preparing for an open dialogue about who they would like as their next head coach, which is a kind of rule.

Sing of the Day. “Eating Bit Look Look Like Christmas” by Bing Crosby.

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