Since the outbreak began, U.S. Coronavirus case-day averages remained the highest

Health experts say the resurgence will occur in the fall in the cases they have warned and the winter months are here and the U.S. It could be worse than what has been seen so far. U.S. The growing number in – where the total.6. More than a million have been infected and 225,230 have died – show the nation is at a “dangerous tipping point,” former U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CBS News on Sunday.

The new seven-day case is approaching the previous high of 67,200 cases on July 22. The past week has seen a new record with a daily average of 68.7 cases.

Gottlieb told CBS’s Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation,” “We’re introducing what will become a direct operative of the epidemic.”

Although cases are on the rise across the country, Gottlieb said, things will get worse in the next two to three weeks. He said he did not expect the implementation of strong policy interventions that could curb the spread.

“If we don’t do that, if we miss this window, this momentum will continue and it will be more difficult to stay in control,” he said.

The national mask command can be an essential inconvenience

“The national mask command may be one way to control the virus,” Gottlieb wrote in an op-ed for the Vandal Street Journal. The title of the article is “Winter is Coming: Mask Time for Command.”

Gottlieb wrote that “the order can be clearly limited to the next two months,” adding that it is easier to wear a mask in winter than in summer. “The inconvenience will allow the country to retain health care capacity and keep more schools and businesses open.”

With deaths expected to rise this winter, policymakers will have to take steps to slow the spread, Gottlieb wrote. There is already no support for re-establishing a stay-at-home order from the spring.

The U.S. should consider the National Mask Order for Winter, writes the former USDA Commissioner in Op-Ed

If %%% of Americans wear masks in public, it could save more than 100,000 people in the United States in February, according to figures released Friday by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at Washington University.

“If people don’t wear masks, then we should order them,” said Dr. A.S. Anthony Fawcett told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Friday.

Gottlieb wrote a concern about the need for fines to enforce the order to start a confrontation with the police is not necessary.

“States should be able to choose how to enforce the mandate, but the goal should be to make the mask a social and cultural norm, not a political statement,” he wrote. “The mandating mask has only become divisive because it was framed this way by some politicians and critics.”

State leaders back cautiously

No state has reported a 10% improvement in coronavirus cases in the past week compared to the previous week. And in the national average, state leaders are pushing for redressal among their citizens.

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In El Paso County, Texas, where rising cases have pushed all hospitals and intensive care units to capacity, authorities have imposed a curfew from 10pm to 5am for the next two weeks, El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samniego said during a virtual hearing on Sunday night. Said. Press conference.

The purpose of the curfew is to limit the mobility of the community, Samanigo said.

Even in Arkansas, where more than 1,000 cases a day, new cases were brought to 7 to 2 on Sunday, with government hopeful Asha Hutchinson warning residents not to be overly optimistic.

“Our cases dropped yesterday, as there is a trend, especially over the weekend,” Hutchinson said. A tweet on Sunday. “When we want to relax, it’s important that we continue to be disciplined as the case grows at the national level.”

The vaccine will not protect against the virus until 2021

Researchers may be rushing to develop a vaccine, but Gottlieb said it is unrealistic to think that a timely delivery would be ready for this boom.

“This vaccine will not affect the outline of what we will undergo, which is to play out in the next two or three months,” he said.

If the vaccine becomes available this year and goes to the first group of patients, it is likely that the elderly and health care workers will not have protective immunity until some stage in 2021, Gottlieb said.

Fauci says findings on a possible coronavirus vaccine are expected in early December but widespread availability will come later.

“Will we know if any vaccines are safe and effective from early December to late November?” The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fawcett told the BBC on Sunday. “The dose available in December is definitely not enough to vaccinate everyone – you have to wait several months until 2021.”

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew show show, Fauci added that vaccination of “significant proportions of the population”, such as “significant impact on the dynamics of the outbreak”, may not be possible until the second or third quarter. 2021.

“What I do know is that with the successful vaccination and the continuation of some hygienic measures, as we move into the third and fourth quarters of the month of 2021, we will see a significant approach to some form. In general,” Fawcett told Mirror.

Dr. Franc, Director of the National Institute of Health. Francis Collins said Friday that when he visited the U.S. While “cautiously optimistic” about being vaccinated by the end of the year, he said “it doesn’t happen and it will take longer.”

CNN’s Jay Krr, Ft, Jacqueline Howard, Christina Max, our Artemis Mushtagian, Ray Sanchez, Ganesh Setti, Alec Schneider, Alta Spells, Naomi Thomas and Amir Vera contributed to this report.
