- Kensington Palace has shared two new images of Prince George before the young royalty’s seventh birthday tomorrow.
- Prince George appears in the new set of photos dressed in casual clothing. In one instant, the young prince wears a camouflage print T-shirt, while in the other he wears a more preppy olive-colored polo.
Prince George is growing!
Kensington Palace released two new photos of the prince to the public today in honor of the young royalty’s seventh birthday tomorrow. In the new images, Prince George is shown wearing a more casual outfit, wearing a camouflage shirt in one photo and a preppy olive-colored polo shirt in the other while smiling at the camera. The portraits were taken earlier this month by his mother, the Duchess of Cambridge.
The public has seen slightly less of Cambridge’s eldest son in recent months as he followed orders to stay home with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and two younger brothers, Princess Charlotte and the Prince. George. Kate Middleton, however, has provided insight into what home life has been like since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and how George and his siblings are adjusting longer under the same roof.
In addition to adjusting to the running of the bulls, Prince George and his sister, Princess Charlotte, have made some surprise appearances alongside their parents for volunteer work in recent weeks. Most recently, both George and Charlotte came with Prince William and Duchess Catherine to help deliver food to isolated individuals near their Norfolk, Sandringham home.
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