Rural Reg Reagan Counties to Discuss State Separation to Join Greater Idaho

A group called Move Oregon Border is taking the initiative to separate Oregon’s rural counties from the rest of the state and join Idaho.

Mike McCarther, a 72-year-old retired plant nursery worker and lifelong regent, has been leading the effort for almost two years. He said he and many others were “eager to get out from under the Northwestern reg Reagan’s chokehold.”

“We’ve seen a shift in Oregon politics where the legislature’s primary concern is Northwest Oregon. It is based on 78% of the state’s population. They forget that every law you pass in the state affects the rural economy, “McCarthy told Fox News.

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He highlighted the many benefits of being a citizen of Idaho, including lower taxes and more freedom in general. Etahu ranks 3rd in regulatory independence while Oregon ranks 43rd, according to the Cato Institute.

Over the past 20 years, Reagan’s state politics has taken a sharp left turn, which has gone unnoticed by more conservative residents in the state’s rural communities. McCarthy drew attention to a recently passed law that made reg Reagan the first state to deny possession of hard drugs.

“Now you look and you say, ‘Well, if you’re homeless, if you’re a hard drug user, if you’re naughty, if you’re illegal, come to Oregon – we’re a sanctuary state. And you won’t get in trouble. And that’s not the way it feels in Oregon. ”

After the death of George Floyd in May in Minneapolis, Portland has seen riots with many months of violent protests and little government intervention.

“Idaho is not a sanctuary state, and they want to protect their citizens. It is comforting to be in a position where law enforcers and lawbreakers are not let go. ”

Necessary steps to meet local officials on the subject of changing boundaries in four counties in past elections. It passed in Jefferson and Union counties and was voted by a small margin in Douglas and Vlova counties.

However, McCarther’s goal is to address the issue as much as possible, as the final decision will rest with the Oregon and Idaho state legislatures. The group hopes that Oregon’s 19 southern and eastern counties will be separated and become part of what they call “Greater Idaho.”

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If successful, the border change would no longer make Idaho a landlocked state, giving it two coastal counties, which McCarthy said could be an important selling point for the neighboring state.

Move Oregon Border will continue to collect signatures for local elections in 11 other counties on May 11, 2121.