“Your mild cough could be the DEATH of another person.” Message from FERM to Opponents of COVID Restrictions


The lack of anti-COVID measures in the face of the second wave of coronavirus would be catastrophic, experts warn.

Boris Johnson addressed the citizens of England tonight. He called for “spending the winter together”, explaining that in the absence of restrictive measures, many more people would die, in the context in which British experts say there would be 50,000 new cases / day in October, in the absence of restrictions.

The British Prime Minister admitted that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has begun to spread exponentially again. He described the coronavirus as “the biggest crisis the world has ever faced in my life ”.

Boris Johnson assured that they continue to work “day and night” to protect people, but stressed that “the greatest weapon we have in the fight against this virus is the common sense of the people themselves, the common determination to work together.” to suppress COVID-19 now ”.

Regarding the option that people have the right to their own choice in the face of the coronavirus, the British Prime Minister explained: “The tragic reality of having COVID is that your mild cough could be the death of another person.“He also rejected the idea that only people at risk or sick should be isolated, and explained that” if you let the virus free among other people, it will inevitably reach the elderly. ”

“If people do not follow the restrictions that we have established now, then we reserve the right to move forward,” warned Boris Johnson, adding that “never in our history has collective destiny and collective health depended so completely on behavior.” our individual. If we follow these simple steps together, we can spend the winter together. Difficult months continue and the fight against COVID is not over. “

Today, 4,926 new cases of COVID infection have been confirmed in the UK, the highest number since May 7.
