“You wake up locked up, almost like in a Nazi camp!” What’s happening in the world of tennis and what awaits Simona Halep


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Ion Ţiriac: “From the airport, Simona goes directly to the hotel, under surveillance”

Ion Ţiriac (81 years old) spoke about the health protocol that awaits Simona Halep in Rome, but also about the severe restrictions imposed on tennis players during the coronavirus pandemic.

“What do we do with this sport? Mladenovic said, after losing at the US Open, that it was not that difficult in jail or on the Nazi camps. I know how it was with many boys and girls. Hundreds and hundreds” The players are together one way or another. Stay locked in a wall, in a hotel completely isolated from everyone. At the US Open, included food is delivered to your door. Mr. Benoit Paire, who tested positive, was sitting with two policemen at the door.

Perhaps this security is correct, but it is curious to wake up locked up, almost like in a Nazi camp, instead of having that joy of tennis. Halep arrives in Rome. From the airport, he goes directly to the hotel, under surveillance, and then tests it. Absolutely, you have to defend everything you can, to end this COVID and not have it. “said Ion Ţiriac, for GSP.ro.

Simona Halep will participate in the WTA tournament in Rome, LIVE on Digi Sport

Simona halep will participate in the WTA tournament in Rome next week. Our athlete has already arrived in the Italian capital and has begun preparations for the completion of the Premier 5 category.

The athlete from Constanza, number 2 in the world, will be serial number 1 at the Rome tournament, which will take place between September 14 and 21, live on Digi Sport.

Simona Halep traveled to Rome with a Ţiriac Air plane and thanked the businessman for his gesture, through a post on social networks.

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Tags: Tiriac ion , Simona halep , wta roma
