you risk being excluded from League 1!


  • GSP published in September photos with 3 Astra players (Fatai, Seto and Ioniță) who were receiving vitamins by intravenous infusion, at Andreea Berecleanu’s husband’s clinic. The images also reached ANAD, which announced that it had temporarily suspended the 3 – all the details, HERE.

Astra Giurgiu is impatiently awaiting a decision on his 3 players, who are currently on temporary suspension and accused of having used a method prohibited by anti-doping regulations. These are Takayuki, Fatai and Alex Ioniță.

In early September, ANAD took possession of some photos, which were published by a clinic in Bucharest to promote its image and the treatments it performs. In these images the 3 soccer players appeared with the infusions in their veins.

Astra Giurgiu, on the edge of the abyss

You can even see the bottle of vitamins and minerals, substances that are not prohibited by the WADA regulations, even if they are administered intravenously. However, a point in the World Anti-Doping Agency articles clearly states that regardless of the substance, it is forbidden to inject more than 100 ml into a vein within 12 hours: “Any intravenous infusion and / or injection of more than 100 ml over a 12 hour period is considered a violation of WADA regulation, except those legitimately received during hospital treatment, surgical procedures or clinical diagnostic investigations.”.

Those from ANAD sent representatives to speak with the respective players, and according to what they said, the 3 would have said that they gave them two cans of vitamins and minerals, without realizing that their answers practically mean clear evidence that they violated the rules. WADA regulations. Because two bottles mean about 200 ml. And it is considered doping.

They did not appear in the first two terms

The footballers were immediately notified and, in accordance with WADA regulations, entered a state of temporary suspension. A disciplinary procedure was opened, but in the first two probationary periods, in the ANAD Commission, they did not appear.

Instead, they contested in a civil court, in Ploiești, in an administrative litigation, the decision to be temporarily suspended, and a decision is expected in this process on December 10! Instead, the third meeting of the ANAD commission is scheduled for Friday, when the players were summoned again.

What the anti-doping law says

Astra is in great danger. If the decision is made to sanction all 3 players, no matter how it sounds, the Astra club will suffer too. And she will be expelled from League 1 !!!

Article 62 of the Anti-Doping Law clearly specifies how sanctions are implemented. And paragraph 2 states that: “In the event that more than 2 members of a sports team are found guilty of one of the offenses referred to in article 2 (2) during a sporting event, the organizer of the competition, in addition to the sanctions applied individually to the athletes involved, will sanction that team with disqualification and loss of points“.

The reference to article 2 contains the accusation that exists regarding Astra 3: “Anti-doping rule violations are: the use or attempted use of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method”.

doping scandal - astra+9 PHOTOS
  • The images of Astra players in infusions incriminated them

Fatai, Seto and Ioniță have stayed for more than 9 weeks

Takayuki, Fatai and Ioniță have not played an official match for more than two months. More precisely, since September 26. Not only were they not allowed to score matches in official competitions, they were also banned from training with Astra’s team. The youngest of them is Ioniță, who will turn 26 in two weeks, while in February, Fatai will turn 31, and the Japanese midfielder will turn 35!

I can take a 4 year suspension!

The penalty provided in WADA regulations for using a prohibited method is between 2 and 4 years. It can be reached even below the minimum threshold, but only if the athletes in question admit their guilt even before being notified and cooperate with those conducting the investigation.

However, this did not happen with the Astra 3, so if they are found guilty, they risk receiving the maximum punishment.

Dani Coman, President of Astra Giurgiu: “We have documents, we have everything”

Shortly after ANAD temporarily suspended the players, Astra club president Dani Coman said there was no reason to fear possible sanctions. In fact, they went to a clinic without the consent of the management, without the consent of the doctor. Actually, they were going to produce some vitamins. I went to that clinic today, I was very well received, I met extraordinary people, who showed me exactly the amount put on the players, the infusions they made. I think they are covered from all points of view, we have documents, we have everything, “said Dani Coman.

FIFA and WADA are monitoring the case!

The final decision will belong to the National Anti-Doping Agency, but may be appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. However, ANAD is under close supervision, mainly from the global agency, WADA, which requests weekly information on ongoing cases. In fact, WADA may challenge an ANAD decision, if it considers that the verdict is not what is required.

Furthermore, FIFA is another body that maintains close correspondence with ANAD. Not beyond last month, the case of Rapid footballer Hlistei was brought to the attention of FIFA, who was in a full investigation without being convicted, who requested his entire case, the way he was tried, but also the final verdict and its motivation.

2009It is the year that Astra was last promoted to League 1, and since then it has won 4 trophies: the title, the Cup and twice the Super Cup

100%was the percentage of Astra’s presence in the play-off of the 5 editions of League 1, in the same situation there was only one other team, the FCSB

VIDEO. Vasile Maftei, on Dani Coman’s role in Astra: “He kept the club alive!”

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