You are criminals. Some herds We borrow to pay the expenses made by PSD


The Minister of Finance, Florin Cîțu, attacked the PSD hard in the plenary session of Parliament in the debate on the simple motion, presented by the Social Democratic parliamentarians. Cîţu accuses PSD of using the coronavirus to attack the government. “It is no longer your Romania. The Romanians sent you home because of your cheap populism,” the Finance Minister told them. “All investors trust the Romanian government,” Cîțu said from the Parliament rostrum.

Statements by the Minister of Finance:

“You left this motion for SMEs to invest, which has been operating for 2 weeks.

I am here because Romanians need to know that while PNL and I are successfully handling this situation, the signers of this motion are trying to stop us.

Who are these signatories? There are those who gassed and beat the Romanians on August 10.

They are criminals because they played poker with the health of the Romanians when they blackmailed with prolonging the state of emergency.

If the proposals of these criminals had passed, it would have thrown Romania into chaos.

With no respect for Romanians, they used this unfortunate virus to promote their movement.

How cruel would it be to use this virus to attack the Romanian government?

You should apologize to the grieving families. The signers of this motion mocked the Romanian citizens.

It is no longer your Romania. The Romanians sent you home for your cheap populism. I will tell the Romanians what I did in two months of government. We know what to do and how to do it. Our measurements are appreciated.

You have left the Romanian state unprepared and vulnerable. For this, everyone should be criminally responsible.

The President drew his attention not to attack the Romanian state any further. It fell hard on your stomach, but you didn’t stop.

Free Romania, without PSD, is moving forward.

Before declaring a state of emergency, the Romanian government took action.

On February 4, the government prepared reserve reserves to prevent coronavirus infections.

The measure to quarantine people who come from red zones was instituted. Measures have been gradually introduced to limit the participation of large numbers of people. Courses, road transport to risk areas have been suspended.

Some border transit points have been temporarily closed. The number of posts in the medical system has been supplemented. All of these measures were taken before a state of emergency was declared.

In the economic field, we have taken a series of measures that have slowed the economic recession.

IMM INVESTMENT– guaranteed access to finances. Today 77,881 requests were analyzed. 86,000 SMEs have already requested it. 48,000 applications were sent to banks and we already had companies taking money.

Let’s compare Start Up Nation. He didn’t even allocate the money for the remaining bills for 2 years. You made fun of those people.

You are shepherds. You stabbed people. You promised them money and you didn’t give it to them. We pay those bills, because we are not shepherds.

I say you should have taken notes to see how a successful program works.

Another project implemented is the postponement of bank rates for 9 months. In Europe it is Romania and Hungary. Romania has enforcement rules, Hungary does not. Today, more than 90,000 people have been able to benefit from the deferral of the rates.

ANAF Computerization, you’ve been struggling to do it for 30 years, I did it in a few months.

VAT refund, save money illegally to reduce the deficit. The payment of the medical license, the average was 50 million lei, approximately the same paid by the companies in Romania. In March, I paid 400 million lei. We have tripled the rate at which we return this money. I paid the bills on time, not like you.

1.5 billion lei was settled for local authorities. Unpaid bills for years.

Holiday voucher extension, support for Romanian agriculture.

There are steps we have taken and they have helped the economy. We left 10 billion lei in cash in the economy. The economy has not stagnated. In April, we received more money in the budget than we received in 2019 in April. This is because the private sector trusts the PNL government.

Romania will be the only EU country that will have economic growth in the first quarter. I came down to Romania out of shame because for years you put Romania on top of shame with the inflation rate. This is the only way to increase the purchasing power of Romanians.

It is clear that Dragnea is still leading this party.

You must understand how to finance a budget deficit. We have higher expenses than income. PSD has not paid bills for years. It doesn’t pay bills, it reduces the budget deficit. We do not do that. What else can you do? Increase taxes. We do not do that. The third option is loans.

We borrow to cover expenses incurred by PSD. If the PSD were a responsible party, it would not pass laws without a source of funding through Parliament.

We will recover faster than we expected, but we must be careful, “said Florin Cîțu.
