Xiaomi is responding to accusations made by the Forbes report


Xiaomi is responding to the accusations.

Xiaomi is responding to the allegations made by the Forbes report. This report analyzes privacy breaches and deviations in data collection by updating the Mi, Mi Pro and Mint browsers. Xiaomi now allows you to refuse to collect data in incognito mode.

The Chinese manufacturer has received complaints from users and cybersecurity experts. This came after a Forbes report detailed how its browsers collected a worrying amount of user data.

Cybersecurity experts discovered that Xiaomi browsers recorded all of a user’s web browsing data, which was also collected in incognito mode. The researchers presented evidence that the data was sent to servers with “Coding susceptible to attack”.

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“Recovering browser behavior, including URLs, without explicit consent and in private browsing mode, can’t be worse!”, a security researcher noted in the Forbes report.

Xiaomi is responding to the accusations.

Xiaomi has denied the allegations and said that all the data it collects is sent to its servers anonymously. The company also denied that the browsing data was recorded incognito.

According to the manufacturer, they are only collected “Aggregated usage statistics” in incognito mode. This includes: system information, preferences, use of user interface functions, responsiveness, performance, memory usage, and crash reports.

“This data cannot be used to identify a person.” the company argued in response to the Forbes report. Xiaomi now presents a new configuration incognito in the Mi and Mint browsers. This new option will allow users to stop collecting aggregated data in incognito mode.

The latest versions of the browsers are: My browser / My browser Pro v12.1.4 and Mint Browser v3.4.3. These updates should now be available to all browsers on the Google Play Store.

Xiaomi has also been accused of collecting data on folders and open settings on their phones by users. The company did not clarify much about this practice. There is only one generic statement regarding this claim.

“All usage data collected is based on the permission and consent expressly granted by our users.”Xiaomi says.

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