Write a low-key but undeniable story of honor and dignity.


President Klaus Iohannis decorated doctors from various hospitals around the country on Tuesday, National Day. The head of state thanked them for their work on the “front line” and said: “write a discreet but undeniable history of honor and dignity, building a new reality based on trust in unity and solidarity.”

“On National Day, we continue the tradition of honoring the merits of those who put their lives at the service of the protection of Romanian citizens, national identity, values ​​and fundamental institutions of the Romanian state.

Courage, responsibility, altruism are defining values ​​of those to whom we direct our gratitude today, as a special milestone of hope and solidarity.

Normally this room would have been too small if we could have thanked everyone who helped limit the effects of the pandemic and save lives. Accept the recognition offered today on behalf of your colleagues.

You, the front line, are fighting tirelessly for life, often at the risk of your own safety.

Through his actions, he writes a discreet but undeniable story of honor and dignity, building a new reality based on trust in unity and solidarity.

By giving yourself and permanent proof of a sense of duty, you honor the calling of a physician, no matter how dangerous the work environment is and how difficult it is to be on the front line. Your love for life and neighbor inspires us and makes us responsible.

Some of you volunteered to help people in states with important Romanian communities to combat the new coronavirus, participating in missions that took them away from home, to their loved ones.

Their work is important not only from a humanitarian perspective, but also because it shows us that only by working with partners in other countries can we be effective in fighting the pandemic. Just as the European Union facilitates access to a vaccine, the exchange of information, resources and experience can facilitate our efforts to protect the health of the population.

Furthermore, despite the limitations in the educational act, imposed by the epidemiological context, our main universities of medicine and pharmacy have continued making efforts to train the professionals we need to protect the health of Romanians in the long term. Many doctors have made superhuman efforts to reconcile, during this period, the quality of a teacher with long hours in hospitals.

Whether the work of the doctors has been done at home or abroad, it is impressive how they have put themselves at the service of the fight against the pandemic, regardless of the front on which they were needed.

It is also impressive the way in which those who will enter this noble profession have understood to follow the values ​​of the profession and become volunteers in the hospital, in order to complement the number of first responders. Mobilizing the university environment to help colleagues in hospitals is a sign of solidarity and is a model worth following for all.

I bow with gratitude and deep respect, on behalf of the Romanian state, in front of you! Thank you and I wish you good health! “Klaus Iohannis said, at the Cotroceni Palace.

The President signed a series of decoration decrees through which, “in appreciation for the involvement and professionalism they showed, for the important effort made within the framework of the measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” he granted:

• Order “Sanitary Merit” in the rank of Knight of the National Institute of Public Health, Mrs. Dra. Anghel Maria Nina (Moinești), Mrs. Dr. Băloi Adelina (Timișoara), Mr. Dr. Bărbat Marius-Teodor (Cluj- Napoca), Mr. Botea Dragoș Florin (Oradea), Mrs. medicine pr. Casoni Maria-Elena (Târgu-Mureș), Ms. Dr. Dacz Monika Erika (Oradea), Mr. Dr. Florea Marc (Oradea), Ms. Dr. Georgescu Corina Maria (Timișoara), Ms. Dr. Gherman Ada Sonia ( Cluj-Napoca), Dr. Grigoraș Ioana (Iași), Dr. Henţia Ciprian Adrian (Timișoara), Dr. Lupse Mihaela Sorina (Cluj-Napoca), Dr. Pascal Ema-Raluca (Reșița), Ms. medicine pr. Pop Alexandra-Angela (Oradea), Dr. Sandu Monica Andreea (Bucharest) and Dr. Suciu Alin Aurel Raul (Oradea);

• Medal “Sanitary Merit” class III from Mrs. As. Medicine Bordianu Gabriela-Ioana (Bacău).

Likewise, in gratitude for the quality of the educational process and academic excellence, for the important effort made in the context of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, President Klaus Iohannis awarded the Order “Sanitary Merit” at the rank of Knight :

• “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest;
• Cluj-Napoca University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu”;
• “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iași;
• University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babe” of Timișoara;
• University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade” of Târgu Mureș;
• University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.

Publisher: AC
