Will we have snow in the winter of 2020-2021? This is what the meteorologists say


Meteorologist Roxana Bojariu said that probably we will have warmer and warmer winters, dr episodes of blizzard and low temperatures.

Do we still have winter in Romania or not? And what the meteorologists say

“The appearance of cold winters cannot be ruled out, but it is most likely that it will have warmer and warmer winters, with episodes of blizzard, very low temperatures. Even if we are talking about extremely short episodes, their impact can be significant.

Extreme events should not be overlooked when it comes to global warming. In a warm winter, a very brief blizzard episode is sufficient, which can disrupt the entire economy.

The effects of global warming also have a voice in Romania. According to meteorologists, there is little chance of a frozen and snowy winter this year.

So the freezing winters, with the Trojans, are just a memory of generations born up to the 90s. Over the past two decades, the cold season has become increasingly milder, said Roxana Bojariu, ANM climatologist.

2020, the warmest year in history

And we continue: “The year 2020 could dethrone 2016 as the warmest year since the second half of the 19th century, since we have systematic observations worldwide and we can also say that this could happen in the conditions in which in the Tropical Pacific we have a phase negative, not positive, as in the case of 2016.

It is not sure yet, but since 2020 has started, in any case it is in position 1 or position 2 (…) Global warming has even more voice in 2020, compared to 2016.

We are likely to have freezing winters, but the chances are much less than 20-40-60 years ago., concluded Roxana Bojariu, ANM climatologist, for B1 TV.
