Will Romanians who sneeze, cough or have a fever be able to vote? Minister Tataru’s response


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared this Friday that people with symptoms of the new coronavirus who will vote in local elections will have a separate circuit and a “dedicated” booth.

“People who will run (in the elections – no) and will have symptoms will have a separate circuit, will have priority and will have a dedicated voting booth for this,” said the minister, after participating in a debate. cited by Agerpres.

Asked what happens if a person is declared positive and is at the polling station, Tataru replied: “That person implies an epidemiological investigation.”

In his opinion, September will be a month of “fire”, given some measures of “return”, but also local elections and the start of classes.

“September is a month of fire. It is a month in which we have taken some measures to return to almost normality: restaurants, cinemas, theaters. We have a month of electoral campaign, we have start of schools, we have return from vacation. We have, and we will see in the next period, an increase in the number of fellow citizens who will use public transport. We have local elections, we have the measures for each of these returns, let’s say. Let us respect and remain on this irregular plateau between 1,200, 1,300, with a smaller number, say, on Sundays and Mondays, when we have fewer tests performed and we can adapt to the new situation. (…) Let us not be afraid of resuming school. When we have a certain framework regulated by certain rules, more Well we should fear not respecting these rules beyond the school, “Minister Tătaru also said.

Local elections are scheduled for September 27.

Editing: Robert Kiss
