Will Oana Zăvoranu be a mother? Who gave it away


Oana Zăvoranu surprised her fans with the announcement she made on social networks. Oana and her husband spoke live on Instagram about a possible pregnancy. The brunette said without thinking that she wants a boy and a girl. “I want a little boy. Alex wants a girl,” said Oana Zăvoranu on her social media account.

Oana Zăvoranu made the long-awaited revelation

Oana Zăvoranu, 47, is a controversial character in Romanian show business. She was involved in various scandals, especially with her mother. However, Oana always knew how to stay strong and answer those who had questions for her.

How the story unfolded: Oana Zăvoranu and her husband were in a pants store, where, while his wife was trying on several pairs of shoes, Alex decided to do a live show, and among the questions from the fans came the pregnancy question. The two responded without thinking. Even at one point, Oana’s husband hinted that the brunette had a belly.

More jokingly, more seriously, the two said they wanted a child.

Alex: I said I want a girl, to have no competition, to stay with my mother. When a child? Stay and watch. Do you have a belly?

Oana: Yes, honey, I can’t anymore. I’m all in my stomach

Alex: No, we want to. We both want a baby. Oana wants a boy, I want a girl

Oana: I want a child, because children are for mothers. And girls are for dads

Alex: I want the girl to stress mommy

What has Oana Zăvoranu said in the past on this topic?

In the past, Oana felt offended every time fans asked her this question. “Look, I don’t want to, it’s not the time yet, I don’t feel like it’s none of your business. Mega question and communist impertinence? He asks himself daily! ? You see me doing surveys among the population. “When do you think I should have children too?“?, Oana used to say.

And we continue: Just because I share so much of my life with you doesn’t mean we’re talking about what I should be doing in my bed. And constantly, this question comes only from backward peasants, who believe in their minds that the purpose of life is to have 100 children, to ride alone day and night and to brag about them!type wowbiz.