Wiener, USR-PLUS MP, recently vaccinated, told us about the most dangerous anti-vaccination manipulation


USR-PLUS MP Adrian Wiener spoke to DC News about the Covid-19 vaccination experience, but also about conspiracy theories circulating online.

USR-PLUS Rep. Adrian Wiener, a physician at SJU Arad, was vaccinated today.

Contacted by DC News, Adrian Wiener confessed that he feels fine and that he feels “a bit of discomfort” at the vaccination site. “The pain is a lot to say,” added the deputy.

The USR-PLUS deputy stated that “our Vaccination Center is well organized. It is an initial clinical evaluation, then a 15 minute observation. I hope this tactic is sustained in the long term. “

Wiener, on forms of anti-vaccine handling

When asked what he considers to be the most dangerous form of anti-vaccination manipulation circulating on social media, Adrian Wiener said that “there are many dangerous ones. It’s a package, they work in a package. “

However, the USR-PLUS deputy mentioned the theories related to DNA modification, which say that the Covid-19 vaccine “would modify DNA, thus having long-term consequences on human health.”

“How many dozen messages and threats we have received!” Wiener told us, adding that the reactions against vaccines are more emotional than rational.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The reactions are emotional, I rarely think that it is a subject that generates so much hatred, emotion …”, the deputy stressed.

Additionally, USR-PLUS MP Adrian Wiener recalled speculation that the Covid-19 vaccine would be mandatory. “That sounds like a horrible lie to me! No, it is!”

The conspiracy … for no reason

On the conspiracy that would want to exterminate a part of the population, Adrian Wiener told us that he does not understand the reason “behind”.

“As there are fewer people and an active workforce, the economy is obviously collapsing, the assets of the rich are collapsing, stocks, everything.” I don’t understand why. “
