Why Viktor Orban was SILENT in the scandal with the autonomy of the Earth Szekler


Kelemen Hunor, president of UDMR, spoke on DC NEWS TV about the lack of reaction from Western Foreign Ministries and Viktor Orban after the statements made by Klaus Iohannis in the scandal with the Szeklerland autonomy project.

“I think it’s an adaptation. They probably didn’t think President Iohannis could do that either, and after declaring him the most European head of state in the region, they also need a certain period of time to do it.” digest and possibly give a reaction.

We don’t know if they had closed-door discussions, as is often the case with diplomacy, but it is clear that it is quite difficult to admit that you had a not-so-correct assessment of a man who turned out not to be what you thought. which is Somewhere here we have to look for this lack of reaction.

On the other hand, I think that the reaction of the Hungarian Prime Minister was balanced, fair, extremely diplomatic and it is very good that he did not throw gas on the fire. Perhaps that was, I speculate, the intention of those who determined that Iohannis would make this statement: that someone would come and respond bluntly and be a major scandal. It is great that Viktor Orban has reacted in such a balanced and diplomatic manner, “Kelemen Hunor said in an interview with DC News TV.

