Why Viktor Orban did not lift Klaus Iohannis’s glove and what the Budapest Prime Minister is looking for


Klaus Iohannis’s harsh message about the Szeklerland autonomy project could have been a strategic solution, useful in the internal political context, if the president had not referred to a possible agreement between PSD, UDMR and Viktor Orban.

The Hungarian Prime Minister immediately announced that he would not lift the gauntlet.

In an interview with Ziare.com late last year, Hungarian-born French historian Catherine Horel sensed part of the strategy that Viktor Orban will carry out in 2020, commemorating the past century of what will remain the national trauma of Budapest, The Trianon Peace Treaty.

“I can honestly tell you that I’m afraid they are going to invent more by then. There have already been many very dubious stagings, all kinds of films that falsify history,” says Horel, in a period when Viktor Orban with one hand challenged to the European Union and overthrew his colleagues in the European People’s Party, and with another he lost the elections in Budapest and understood that the narrative of the defender of Christian values ​​against barbarian immigrants, but also the useful vote that was given. by virtue of a satisfactory standard of living, they are no longer sufficient.

The pandemic came to him, without too many adjustments, because the speculation of fear and the breakdown of democratic norms, in the name of guaranteeing security, are what the authoritarian, illiberal leaders, according to the formula that consecrated the Prime Minister of Budapest, they know how to use well.

And the criticisms that came from the European Union, the denunciation of democratic failures, camouflaged in a state of emergency without a deadline and in which the power of the Government grew exponentially, were also reinterpreted and transformed into a springboard for legitimation.

Taking care of everyone in your country, since my only job now is to save the lives of Hungarian citizens, not to fight for power with one or the other, who pursue political capital..

This is how Orban responded to the European people, in a letter addressed to the Secretary General of the PPE, Antonio López Isturiz, whose country, Spain, is going through one of the most serious humanitarian crises.

In the same logic is the answer given by the presidency in Bucharest, apparently in a peaceful and especially rational tone: “Of course, if necessary, we will take the gauntlet, but for now I do not recommend bowing before him.”

He added that he knows Klaus Iohannis personally, and that Bucharest has had no news of that slippage since the days of undemocratic practices.

A strategy in the mirror of that played against the PPE and the European Union.

Although he is the author of slips and practices, if not undemocratic, on the edge of the norms of democracy, if we look at least at the way that Budapest’s policies towards NGOs and media institutions have been, Viktor Orban always returns these attributes and places it on the other, after which it hits his cheek.

Then “it happens that” while he puts all his resources so that people do not get sick and die in the proportions of a drama similar to that of the liberal democracies of the West, the others seek their cause, to improve politically, within the Union.

While selflessly helping Hungarians in Transylvania, the President of Romania seeks an opportunity for defiance and sends alarmist messages to compromise his internal political competence.

As historian Catherine Horel explains the strategy of the Budapest leader:

And when Orban says, “You don’t see how others around me do the same as me,” that can only amplify his megalomaniac delusion, because he has inspired others. Are you comfortable with your policy, why and – Would it still cause problems when other countries also have populist tendencies? “

Directly or indirectly, speculating voluntarily or opportunely on one occasion, Viktor Orban provokes the launching of a glove, only to later demonstrate to his fellow citizens, because his bet is to continue his regime of power at home, not to be praised by Merkel and Iohannis. , which I would rather serve him: that he is completely different, a rational leader and especially accused and singled out by all the other politicians in Europe, precisely because he does not play other theater games, apart from taking care of the Hungarian nation.

By placing himself as the superior victim of his critics, Orban uses for himself the same story that he tells about the Hungarians in Transylvania and for the same purpose: to strengthen the authoritarian regime in the country.

And Klaus Iohannis’s message, moderated on Monday, when he returned to the topic, but without involving Budapest, but only the treason of the PSD, also used Viktor Orban in his domestic politics.

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