Why the scandalous video with Marica appeared on the Internet, 8 months after the former soccer player was caught with his lover. The unsuspected reason


A controversial video circulates on the Internet with Ciprian Marica and her lover. It seems that the adventure of the former national team striker took place eight months ago, and the question that is on everyone’s lips is why it has just been made public.

Who posted the video with Marica and her lover?

Farul’s financier Constan Cona is the protagonist of a controversial video with Ana Munteanu, the daughter-in-law of Florin Munteanu, the former boss of Transgaz. The adventure between the two took place in 2019, but only now has it come to light. It appears that the video was filmed by Ana Munteanu’s husband, in a hotel in Cluj.

“I’m very calm! Ciprian was in a towel because he was hot, wasn’t he? Did you tell me what you did? You are of the lowest order. You just told me that you hate someone else touching you. Don’t tell me it’s the first time , and you stayed in the Loft by the sea, I know that very well “, is the monologue of the man who filmed Ciprian Marica and can be heard from the first seconds of the video.

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Who posted the video with Marica and her lover?

Also, in the video, the former footballer is forced to admit that there is a woman in his hotel room. He denies it, but Ana leaves the room after a few seconds and declares herself defeated.

“God, forgive me! What’s going on?” Come here a little, let’s talk. You drove me crazy with the video. You exaggerate a lot. “, you can hear the player say.

The video was released by Ana’s husband, who suspected that something was wrong with his wife, so he would have bought a state-of-the-art phone to follow her. Also, the man synchronized his accounts with his, so he was able to verify it. In this way, the husband discovered that Ana cheated on him again, as a result of which he made the video public with her and Marica since August 2019.
